The Masquerade Ball Part 1

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Over the next 5 days, Alya and the twins had been at the joke shop every day. They had ordered all of the equipment, furniture and supplies they needed, and had started creating their products in bulk ready to stock. They had also bought all of the furniture for the twins flat, and it was starting to come together nicely.

It was new year's eve, and Alya was in the joke shop with the twins helping them decide what to do with the outside of the shop when she realised that she hadn't asked Draco what time the ball started. She thought that she'd better find him quickly beforehand, so she went into the office and looked for him. She found him sitting at a long table with his parents, and a bunch of other people. Alya soon realised that this was a death eaters meeting. She was going to come back, but she decided to stay for a little while, to make sure Draco was okay.

"Draco, do you have any updates for me regarding your task?" asked a familiar, chilling voice from the head of the table. Alya quickly saw that it was Voldemort.

"I... well," stuttered Draco, shaking with fear.

"Dray, I'm here, calm down," Alya said in his head. "Tell him you have a plan in place for when we go back to school,"

Draco repeated what Alya told him.

"And what might that be?" laughed Voldemort.

"Tell him you've discovered a vanishing cabinet, you've been mending it because it has a twin in the room of requirement in Hogwarts," said Alya. "You're going to use that to give the others access to Hogwarts, and you have someone that can tell you Dumbledore's exact whereabouts at any point so you know where he is at all times,"

Draco repeated, while Voldemort had a suspicious look on his face. Nevertheless, he seemed satisfied with the answer and carried on with the meeting.

"Ally..." said Draco, still in his head.

"Don't worry, I'm not going anywhere," said Alya. "I'll wait here until you finish the meeting, you're okay I promise,"

After around half an hour, the meeting had finished. All of the death eaters got up from the table and disapparated out of the house, while Draco apparated up to his bedroom as quickly as he could.

"You okay, my love?" asked Alya, as Draco slumped down on his bed.

"Not really, I fucking hate this death eater stuff, Ally," said Draco, with his voice breaking.

"I know babe, but it won't be for long, I promise," said Alya. "Just a few more weeks, okay?"

"Okay," said Draco, sadly. "How are you anyway? I miss you so much,"

"I'm okay thank you, and I miss you too!" said Alya. "I just wanted to ask what time the ball starts tonight?"

"It starts at 7pm," said Draco. "I'll come and pick you up from the Weasley's at 6:30,"

"Aw, okay! I can't wait to see you," said Alya.

"I can't wait to see you, Ally, you have no idea," said Draco.

"I better get back, but I'll see you later!" said Alya.

"Okay, love," said Draco. "I'll see you soon,"

Alya left his head and went back into the shop, feeling very excited. She glanced over at the Weasley's who were working hard writing things in their books and discussing things with each other. Alya felt so happy that she was able to do this for them, that she had been able to give them their biggest wish. She walked over to them and smiled, as she sat down on the front desk in between them.

"Have you thought of anything yet?" asked Alya.

"Yeah, loads," said Fred.

"We just can't decide," said George.

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