The Black Lake - Part Two

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**Some readers may find some topics in this chapter disturbing and difficult to read. This chapter contains talk of kidnap and brief discussions non consensual touching and kissing. Please skip this part if you find that distressing**

Alya's eyes fluttered open, and all she could see was a figure sitting opposite her in a chair in a dimly lit room that she could've sworn was moving. She couldn't quite see who the figure was, but when she remembered what happened, she shot up. Only to realise that she was tied to a chair. She looked up in horror, to see the person in the chair in front of her was Enzo. He looked unconscious, hair still wet from the lake and his shirt was on backwards.

"Zo?" she called out, although her throat was hoarse for some reason.

Alya looked around the room and saw Draco unconscious in a chair next to her, with a bloody nose.

"Oh my god, Dray!" Alya tried to shout, wiggling around to try and get out of the ropes that were binding her to the chair.

"Ah, you're awake," said a chilling voice as a hooded figure walked into the room. "Quicker than the others, I see. Although, that isn't entirely surprising,"

"Who are you?" asked Alya, squinting her eyes and trying to see the face belonging to the hooded figure.

"You're Alya Granger, correct?" asked the figure. "Or should I say, Alya Cortez,"

"What's it to you," said Alya. "Who the fuck are you!"

"Watch your tone," snarled the figure. "I should hex you for that, but then you wouldn't be much use. Plus I could never hurt you,"

"A-Ally?" said Enzo, looking up at her. "What's going on?"

"Hey, Zo," smiled Alya, trying to be as calm as possible so as not to alarm him. "Don't worry, okay? It's going to be okay,"

"Why can't I move, where are we?" asked Enzo, struggling to get out of the ropes. "I must've passed out or something, last thing I remember is the race in the lake. Hey, guys, this isn't funny. Let me out,"

"Stupid boy," laughed the figure. "There's no way you're mine,"

"Excuse me?" said Alya.

"Wait, who are you?" asked Enzo.

"Who am I," laughed the figure. "Why, Lorenzo, didn't your stupid mother tell you anything,"

"Don't you dare mention my mother!" shouted Enzo, desperately trying to get out of the ropes.

"Guys?" said Draco, as he woke up. "What happened, did we find - wait, what the fuck? Why am I tied up? Ally, who's that?"

"Calm down, Dray," smiled Alya. "It's going to be okay.

"B-but I... w-what's happening, Ally?" stuttered Draco. "Oh my god, Enzo! I was so worried! Where were y- where are we?"

"Don't you recognise this place?" asked the figure. "Or have none of you actually been here before?"

Just then, Alya tried to use her power to throw the figure into the air. However, it wouldn't work.

"What did you do to me?!" exclaimed Alya. "Why isn't my telekinesis working?"

"Oh, that little thing," chuckled the figure. "Wonderful concepts, potions. There's one for just about everything. Even putting a stop to particular magic. I gave you one when we got here, you were unconscious so you had no choice but to swallow it,"

"Shit," said Alya, starting to panic. "What do you want?"

"You," smiled the figure. "I want you, Alya,"

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