The Reality

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When Alya walked through the door of the Burrow, she was immediately bundled by two large, ginger people. Obviously, it was the twins. They wrapped their arms around her and squeezed her tightly.

"Honeslty, boys, let the poor girl breathe!" shouted Molly from the kitchen. "Hello, Alya, come and sit down,"

"Hi Moll-" started Alya, before George interrupted her.

"Are you okay, Ally? I missed you so much," said George.

"I'm okay, Georgie," smiled Alya. "I was only gone for the night,"

"I know, but I really missed you," he said, hugging her again.

"I really missed you too, Ally," said Fred, hugging her again. "Are you sure you're okay? We haven't told anyone anything because, well... you know. It hasn't even been mentioned in the Daily Prophet yet,"

"Okay, good," said Alya. "And I missed you both too,"

"Let her get into the house, at least!" said Arthur, as Alya and the twins were still standing in the doorway.

"Right, sorry, Ally," said George, as he moved out of the way and followed Alya to the dining table.

She sent her dress and mask that she was wearing the night before upstairs with her power and sat down at the table. Harry, Ron, Hermione and Ginny were out in the garden, and hadn't even noticed Alya was back yet.

"Freddie, could you call the others in for me, please?" asked Alya. ""I need to talk to you all,"

Fred did what he was asked and called Hermione and the others into the dining room. They all said hello to Alya as they sat down. Hermione and Ginny hugged her before sitting down at the table.

"I wanted to talk to you all and tell you something, before you find out from somewhere else," said Alya. "Last night, Voldemort turned up at the Malfoy's. Mattheo and Tom were forbidden to come to the ball, but they wanted to see me, so they came anyway. Only, they got caught. When Voldemort showed up, he was really angry and he... well you can only imagine,"

"What the hell!" said Ginny.

"Are the Riddle's okay?" asked Hermione, sounding quite concerned.

"They're fine, now," said Alya. "They weren't at first, but my father came and helped them. But that's not all. When I saw him, Voldemort, it was like I was frozen with anger. The boys tried to take me away but I couldn't move. I remembered what he tried to do to me, what he did to my mother and what Matty had told me about what he used to do to him and Tom when they were younger. Which I won't go into, but the point is, I was too angry. Some stuff went down and one of his death eaters performed the Avada curse on me. I think it knocked me out because everyone was crying and they all thought I was dead,"

"Holy shit..." said George.

"But you're still alive... again, how?" asked Harry. After all, he was the only other person known to survive the curse.

"Same as you, Harry," said Alya. "A mother's love is the most powerful thing in the world. That mixed with my mum's powers that she transferred to me 12 years ago, it practically made me invincible. I can't be killed,"

"WICKED!" shouted Ron, Fred, George and Ginny at the same time, which made Alya laugh out loud.

"I guess so..." said Alya. "Anyway, after I'd woken up, I lifted Voldemort and all the death eaters into the air and they were all terrified. Matty and Tom woke up and said what they needed to say to him, and then I... I killed him,"

"You... what?" said Arthur.

"I killed Voldemort," repeated Alya.

"Are you serious?" said Harry. Alya nodded.

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