Music Lessons

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The next morning, Alya, Enzo and Hermione woke up and went downstairs for breakfast. They sat with Nick and Jean for a while before Alya decided that she and Enzo needed to leave. They went upstairs to get changed and to grab Alya's boxes. Alya put on a pretty, blue summer dress with flowers on and went back downstairs to give the three Granger's a hug goodbye, but not before telling them that she'd like to have them over for dinner at some point.

Alya and Enzo said their goodbyes and apparated to Enzo's house. They stood outside for a minute, while Enzo took a deep breath and prepared himself for entering. Alya took his hand and they went inside. They went up to Enzo's room, purposely walking straight past the living room where his mother was killed, and started packing his things with magic, so they didn't have to be there for too long. Once they were all packed, they made their way outside where they apparated to Casa Stella. They walked through the front door of the mansion and were immediately greeted by Narcissa, who had been in the kitchen. She pulled Alya into a long hug before doing the same to Enzo. Mattheo, Tom, Theo and Blaise had heard the commotion, and appeared from the living room to greet the two of them in the same way.

"Hey guys," smiled Alya. "How are we all?"

"Good, love," smiled Mattheo. "You?"

"I'm good," said Alya. "It was kinda awkward but it's fine. I'm just going to take these boxes up to my room and I'll be back down,"

"No you're not," said Tom, picking up the boxes.

Alya chuckled and followed him up the stairs, as Mattheo took Enzo's boxes up. Enzo smiled and followed him up, too. When they entered Alya's room, Tom put the boxes down and pulled her into a hug.

"Hey, Tommy," she smiled, hugging him tight.

"Hey, my angel," he smiled. "I missed you,"

"Well I'm home now," smiled Alya,as she kissed him gently on his lips.

Tom smiled at her and kissed her again before the two of them went back downstairs to join the others.

"Where's my girl?" asked Alya. "And Dray and Pans?"

"Oh, they're up in the library," said Theo. "Star loves it in there, she wanted to show 'flower' and 'pretty dracy' her favourite books and reading spot,"

"Oh, I love her," chuckled Alya. "I'm gonna go and surprise them,"

Alya walked upstairs to the library and walked in to find Star, Pansy and Draco sitting in the corner on some beanbags, reading a book. Alya realised that Narcissa had decorated a space for Star to sit whilst she's in there. There were fairy lights on the wall and a large pink rug under the beanbags.

"Having fun there, my loves?" she asked.

"ALLY!" the three of them shouted, running up and hugging her.

"Hey, beautiful girl," smiled Alya, picking Star up. "How are you?"

"Good," smiled Star. "I couldn't wait for you to get home,"

"I couldn't wait to see you," smiled Alya.

She put her down before hugging Pansy and Draco. Draco kissed her softly on her lips and her head, smiling at her.

"How was it, darling?" he asked. "Was everything okay? How's Enzo? Did you go to his house in the end?"

"Bloody hell, Dray," Alya laughed at all his questions. "It was awkward, but fine, Enzo is okay and yes we did. We're both completely moved in now,"

"Aw that's good, baby," smiled Draco, kissing her cheek.

"God, you're so in love," laughed Pansy. "It's disgustingly cute,"

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