The Make-up

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The next morning, Alya and George woke up in the same position. They smiled at each other when they opened their eyes and kissed each other softly on the lips.

"Good morning, my honey," smiled George. "Waking up to you is literally the best feeling in the world,"

"Same with you, my love," smiled Alya.

"How are you feeling?" asked George. "I hate seeing you so upset, you really haven't been yourself,"

"I know," said Alya. "I don't think I'll feel better until I've spoken to Enzo, but I understand that he needs time,"

"Well I'm sure he'll snap out of it soon," smiled George. "Whatever it was, you wouldn't have done it on purpose and I'm sure he knows that. If you need me today, please come and find me, yeah?"

"I will," smiled Alya. "Thank you Georgie, you really helped me last night,"

"I'm glad," smiled George. "I love you, gorgeous,"

"I love you more, handsome," smiled Alya. "Come on, we better get dressed,"

They both got up and got dressed before going down to the great hall for breakfast. When they walked in, George kissed Alya on the forehead and went to his house table and Alya went to hers. Much to her surprise, Enzo and Draco were sitting there with the others. Alya didn't look at either of them as she sat down. Tom and Mattheo gave her a kiss on the cheek, and she smiled at them. She said hello to the others and started eating her breakfast.

"How are you today, love?" asked Blaise.

"Good thank you," said Alya.

"How was your night with Weasley?" asked Mattheo.

"It was really nice," smiled Alya. "I actually played the guitar,"

"Are you serious?" asked Tom. "You'll play for Weasley but not for us!"

"I've heard it," smirked Mattheo.

"Same here," smirked Draco.

"Now that just takes the piss," chuckled Theo.

"That wasn't intentional!" protested Alya. "They walked in while I was playing, it's not my fault,"

"You owe me a concert," said Tom.

"And me!" said Blaise.

"I need to see this too," said Theo.

"Oh absolutely," said Pansy.

"Well fuck the lot of you, because I've had loads," said Enzo.

Alya looked up at him shocked, but smiled nonetheless. He smiled at her and they carried on eating.

When they had all finished, they made their way to the greenhouse for their Herbology lesson. As they were walking, Enzo grabbed Alya's arm gently and pulled her behind the others.

"I'm sorry, okay?" said Enzo. "I know that none of this was your fault, and I'm sorry that I made you feel like that. I was just hurting, I know you never meant for any of this to happen,"

"Oh, Enzo," sobbed Alya, wrapping her arms around him. "I'm so glad you don't hate me!"

"Of course I don't hate you, you bloody lunatic," laughed Enzo. "I could never hate you,"

"Good," smiled Alya. "And I don't blame you. You've just lost your mum and then found this out, it's going to knock you for six. I just wanted you to have answers, I wasn't expecting to find out everything I did, but once I did I couldn't keep it from you. I'm so sorry for everything,"

"Ally, stop apologising," smiled Enzo, cupping her face. "Thank you for doing that. You didn't have to do any of that, and thank you for telling me. Most people would've just kept that to themselves. I love you, okay? You'll always be my best friend,"

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