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** This chapter will involve male x male sex scenes. I understand not everyone is comfortable with that, so if that's the case please skip past the part where is says '(SMUT, TW)'. Happy reading <3

The next day, Alya and Enzo woke up and went straight to Draco's dorm after Enzo got dressed, as Alya needed her uniform. Draco was standing in the middle of his dorm, shirtless when they walked in.

"That's my man," smiled Alya, walking over to him and hugging him, staring at his abs.'

"Hello gorgeous," smiled Draco, kissing her on her lips. "Hey Enzo, did you guys sleep well?"

"I.. uh- yes, thank you," said Enzo, struggling to tear his eyes away from Draco.

"Like what you see?" Alya said to Enzo, who smirked at her and shook his head playfully at her.

"Ally you can't just say that," chuckled Enzo. "People get creeped out,"

"Why would they?" asked Draco.

"Because... I'm gay," said Enzo. "Most boys get creeped out by it, I didn't mean to stare. I'm sorry,"

"Don't be," smiled Draco. "You can't help it, it's natural. I'm not creeped out at all,"

"Okay then," smiled Enzo.

"Cuties," smiled Alya. "You'll be telling me you're bisexual next, Dray,"

Draco chuckled at her nervously and looked at the floor.

"Wait... are you?" asked Alya.

"What? I... N-no of course not," said Draco quickly. "I love you, you know that,"

"Dray, you can be bisexual and still love me," chuckled Alya. "I'm bisexual, remember? And I love you,"

"Yes I know but... nevermind," said Draco. "You should get dressed or we'll be late,"

"Okay my love," said Alya, giving him a look and kissing him softly on his lips.

Alya got dressed quickly and the three of them went down to the Great Hall for breakfast. They sat down at their house table as Mattheo and Tom gave Alya a kiss on the cheek. Draco kept glancing over at Alya and Enzo nervously while they were eating, and they just smiled at him. Once they had all finished, they made their way to their first lesson, which was Herbology.

When they got to the greenhouse, they sat down at their table as professor Sprout began the lesson. Alya kept noticing everyone staring at her while they were talking but she was used to it now so she just ignored it.

"Everyone come and get a tentacula plant so you can begin studying the leaves," said Sprout, as a bunch of people got up and went to the front.

"I'll get yours for you, Angel face," said Enzo.

"Thank you my darling," smiled Alya.

"Bloody hell, he's been here a day and she's already trying to worm her way in!" said a Ravenclaw girl from across the room.

"I'll have you know, Alya has been my best friend for 10 years," said Enzo, walking right up to the girl as Pansy followed him.

"Even if she wasn't, what makes that any of your business?" asked Pansy.

"Well I think it's a bit slutty to be honest," said the girl. "Why does she need Lorenzo when she already has everyone else wrapped around her fat finger!?"

Pansy immediately threw a hard punch at the girl and blood started pouring out of her nose. She grabbed the girl by her collar and pulled her close to her face.

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