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"Ally?" said Hermione, walking back over to the table.

"It's not your fault, Miney, I don't blame you," Alya smiled.

"Oh, good! I really am sorry though," sad Hermione.

"It's okay, honestly," Alya said, hugging her. "Now piss off and let me eat," she laughed.

"Bitch! Talk to you later, sis," Hermione chuckled, as she walked off back to her table. Alya watched Hermione go, and caught Fred looking at her from across the room. *Oh shit* she thought to herself. *Did he see everything? What if I've put him off?* He smiled. *Okay, he's smiling... Maybe it's fine?* she smiled back and turned back around and carried on eating.

"Everything okay, love?" asked Mattheo.

"Fine," she replied, quickly. The next lesson they had was Divination with professor Trelawney, so Alya and her friends made their way to the classroom. They shared this class with the Gryffindors, and some there were even some seventh year students. So when Alya walked through the door, she was happy to see Fred and George sitting at their tables. She smiled at them as she walked in and went to sit with her friends.

"Come in, come in, quickly now," said professor Trelawney, ushering everyone into the class. "In today's lesson, we are going to be learning about tea leaves and how they can help determine the future. I will show you a demonstration and then put you into pairs, so that you can try it out for yourselves. I need a volunteer," Everyone put their hands up, apart from the Slytherin table. Much to their dismay, that is the exact reason that professor Trelawney decided to pick one of them.

"Mattheo Riddle, come to the front of the class please," said Trelawney. Everyone gasped and looked at him.

"Is this a joke?" he scoffed. Alya looked up at him and smiled. He looked into Alya's eyes and said "Fine," and made his way to the front of the class.

"The effect you have on those boys is unholy, Miss Cortez," chuckled Trelawney. Alya chuckled and winked at Mattheo, who rolled his eyes and shook his head, playfully at her.

"Okay, Mr Riddle, drink this," said Trelawney, handing him a very suspicious looking cup.

"And what in the name of Merlin is this? Looks like swamp water!" he said, horrified.

"Tea. Herbal tea, drink up!" she said.

Mattheo muttered something under his breath and drank the tea, almost spitting it out everywhere.

"THAT!" he shouted. "That tastes like GOBLIN PISS!"

"Have much experience with that, Riddle?" laughed Alya.

"Shut it, you," he laughed at her, handing the cup back to Trelawney. She took it and stared into it for a few seconds, studying the leaves.

"I see... difficult conversations. I see family betrayal" said Trelawney. "I see... danger for the girl you love the most. I see a lot of pain and anger, but also love. Where there is love, there is also hurt. But where you are hurt, the one you love fixes it. The girl is the main thing clogging up your mind, all day, every day. She never leaves your head. She is a part of everything. She is the reason for your anger, and the reason for your pain, for you fear that she will never love you. But she is also the reason for your happiness, when you're with her, you feel like you rule the world. When she smiles, your heart flutters and when you look into her eyes, you are completely relaxed."

"Wow..." said Pansy. "Mattheo's in love,"

"Shut up, Pans, no I'm not," snapped Mattheo. "I don't know why I bothered coming up here anyway, you're mad!" he shouted at professor Trelawney.

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