Alastor Moody

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The Great hall was extremely loud the next morning. People were discussing the Triwizard tournament and the Durmstang and Beauxbatons students, as well as making predictions as to who was going to sign up for it.

Alya and the others met up with Star and her new roomate in the common room before they entered the hall. As they started to eat their breakfast, they were approached by a girl in a Beauxbaton's uniform.

"Oh my god, I thought that was you!" exclaimed the girl.

"What do you want, Knight?" asked Alya.

"Why do you always call people by their last names, Granger?" asked Knight.

"It's Cortez. And I don't, only people I don't like," she smiled sarcastically.

"Oh believe me, the feeling is mutual," laughed Knight. "You really expect me to believe that Aquila Cortez is your mother?"

"I couldn't give a toss if you do or you don't," laughed Alya. "It's not your business anyway,"

"Sorry, who are you?" asked Enzo, clearly getting annoyed at the interaction.

"Becca Knight," smiled Knight. "Why don't you tell me your name and what someone as gorgeous and you is doing with a freak like Granger,"

"Okay, ew," said Enzo with a disgusted look on his face. "First of all, Ally is nowhere near a freak. Second of all, stay away from me. I already feel like regurgitating my breakfast just looking at you,"

"Clearly the only freak around here is you," snapped Pansy, standing up and getting into the girl's face. "I suggest you get lost, before I wipe that pathetic smile off your face,"

"Always did need someone fighting your battles for you, Granger," laughed Knight. "Although I have to say, I'm surprised it's a girl. Not surprising, however, to see you surrounded by boys. You always were a fucking whore,"

Pansy punched Knight hard in her nose, and she went stumbling backwards. She grabbed her by the collar of her blue, silk uniform and leaned closer to her.

"What did I tell you?" she hissed. "One more word, and I will knock all of your perfectly bleached teeth out. Leave,"

"I second that," seethed Tom.

"Chill, Tommy," chuckled Alya. "She's not worth it,"

"No one talks to you like that and gets away with it," protested Tom, glaring at Knight.

"Agreed," glared Mattheo.

"Don't worry about it," smiled Alya. "She'll get what's coming to her,"

"This isn't over," glared Knight, holding her nose and storming off.

"Sorry about that, Star," said Pansy, turning around to sit back down.

"That was incredible," chuckled Star.

"We need to work on your anger, babe," laughed Alya.

"Oh no, I don't have an issue with my anger," said Pansy. "But when it comes to you, I'll kill people,"

"Not literally, I hope," said Star.

"No, of course not," said Pansy, winking at Alya.

"I can't believe she tried hitting on me," winced Enzo. "Even if I was straight I wouldn't go near her with a 50 foot wand,"

"She's vile," said Alya. "She's always had it out for me in school, I have no idea why. I think it was because a boy that she liked, wanted me instead. This was in our third year though, but I can't think of any other reason,"

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