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Once Alya and her friends had finished their lunch, they made their way to their next lesson, which was Herbology with professor Sprout. They walked out of the castle and towards the greenhouse. They shared this class with the sixth year ravenclaws. As they walked into the greenhouse, Alya in front and the boys behind, she felt eyes staring at her once again.

"Who...is that" said one of the Ravenclaw boys.

"That's Alya Granger. She's like Slytherin royalty, even though she's only been here for 3 days" replied one of the girls. "Everyone's completely obsessed with her, but I don't understand what's so special about her! I mean, she's not even pretty and I guarantee I can show those Slytherin boys a better time than she ever could,"

"Pans..." said Mattheo, angrily.

"I'm on it." said Pansy, walking over to the girl. "You want to repeat that, Thompson?"

"I just said I don't know what's so special about the new girl," said Thompson. "She isn't even pretty," Pansy punched her hard in the nose.

"Her name is Alya," said Pansy. "And don't ever let me catch you talking shit about her again, or I'll let the boys handle you next time. And trust me, they won't hesitate when it comes to Alya. Got it?"

"Come, Pans, just leave her," Alya said laughing. "It doesn't bother me."

"I could write you a book on what's special about Alya Granger, Thompson." said Tom. "Starting with how insanely gorgeous she is,"

"Agreed. If you even have the mental capacity to read a book, that is" said Theo.

"Could you imagine looking like Thompson and having the audacity to comment on someone else's appearance? Let alone the sexiest girl I've ever seen in my life!" laughed Blaise, looking around the greenhouse. Everyone started laughing at this, and Thompson started to tear up.

"You got that right" said Draco, winking at Alya.

"You're lucky you're a girl, or i would've put your head through the greenhouse" Mattheo said to Thompson, walking over to her.

"Mattheo, chill." Alya said, calmly. She walked over to where they were stood. Mattheo and Pansy were still glaring at Thompson.

"Jealousy is an ugly trait, sweetheart," she said, smiling at Thompson, sarcastically. "I know I'm gorgeous, I get told at least 5 times a day by each of my boys, as well as Pans."

"Damn right, you are," smirked Mattheo.

"Come, let's leave her be. I don't want you wasting your breath on that" smiled Alya, as she, Pansy and Mattheo walked back over to the others and found a table to sit at.

"Don't listen to her, love. You're stunning." said Theo, loudly, whilst glaring at Thompson.

"Now why would I listen to comments about my looks, from someone who looks like they're the secret love child of a woman and a gorilla?" said Alya. "She genuinely looks like something you'd see in a freak show at the circus!"

The whole class erupted with laughter and the Thompson girl went running out, bumping into professor Sprout and falling on her face as she tried to leave. This made the class laugh even harder, people were screaming with laughter and slamming down on the tables.

"What the hell are you doing, you stupid girl?" yelled professor Sprout, looking down at Thompson.

"I - I'm sorry professor," she cried. "Everyone's bullying me!"

"No one's bullying you, you absolute freak!" shouted a random Slytherin.

"Yeah, you started it. Talking smack about the most beautiful girl I've ever laid eyes on,'' said a ravenclaw boy from across the room, smirking at Alya. 

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