The Day Off

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The next morning, Mattheo woke up before the others. His arms were still wrapped around Alya as she laid on his chest, and Draco's head was next to hers as he spooned her from behind. He admired them both sleeping peacefully for a while before Draco woke up. He looked up at Mattheo and smiled, blushing slightly when he realised that he was looking at him.

"Morning," he said softly, as he snuggled more into Alya.

"Morning, handsome," smiled Mattheo, reaching his hand over and running it through Draco's hair.

Draco giggled slightly and tried to hide the huge grin that was spread across his face. Alya woke up to this, looking up at Mattheo and smiling at him.

"Hey, love," she smiled.

"Morning, beautiful," he smiled, kissing her head gently.

"Morning, darling," smiled Draco, doing the same.

"How long have you been awake?" she asked them.

"Not long," said Mattheo.

"Neither," said Draco.

Alya smiled to herself as she snuggled into them both, kissing them on their heads every so often. They stayed like this a while before Alya and Draco got out of bed and started getting dressed.

"I need to go and get some clothes from my dorm," said Mattheo, as he only had his uniform with him. "I'll meet you guys in the hall,"

"We could come with you if you want," said Alya. "Let me just finished getting dressed,"

"Okay, love," smiled Mattheo, as he sat on the bed and watched them both, smirking at them.

The three of them walked to Mattheo's dorm and waited for him to get changed before going down to the great hall for breakfast. The others were already sitting at their house table wearing their normal clothes. Alya, Draco and Mattheo said good morning to their friends and started to eat.

"I'm so excited for today, Ally," said Enzo.

"We're only helping my grandparents move house," chuckled Alya.

"I know, but it's meeting them that I'm excited for," said Enzo. "Meeting your real family, I love the idea,"

"You're so sweet, Zo," chuckled Alya.

Snape walked over to them as they finished their breakfast and asked if they were ready to go. They all agreed, so they walked out of the castle and down to the quidditch pitch together.

"Right, we're travelling by portkey as it's so far," said Snape. "I got the Minister to give us a multiple use one, so we don't have to wait around for it to come back and such. Everyone grab on,"

They all did what they were told and after a few seconds, they landed outside Snape's parents house once again. They all walked up to the door and knocked on it. Eileen opened it almost immediately and wrapped her arms around Alya.

"Hello my beautiful grandchild!" she exclaimed. "I missed you!"

"I missed you too, grandma," chuckled Alya.

"Yes, hello mother," said Snape. "I'm only your son,"

"Granddaughter top's son," chuckled Eileen. "Please come in, everyone,"

"Ally!" shouted Tobias, as they all walked into the living room. "So lovely to see you again,"

"You too," smiled Alya. "And I brought my friends with me this time,"

"Yes, Severus told us you all offered to help us move," smiled Tobias. "Thank you all, we really appreciate it,"

Alya's friends smiled and nodded at him, before Eileen made them all tea and sat them down.

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