The Dorms

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Alya and her friends finished their dinner and all students had started leaving the hall to go to their common rooms, when professor Dumbledore approached the table. "Good evening, Miss Granger, could i please have a word?" he said to Alya.

 "Of course, sir." she replied. "You guys can go if you want, I'll catch you up." she said to her friends.

 "I'll wait here for you, so I can show you where you're actually going!" said Draco, as the others left. "Oh yeah, haha, what an idiot!" laughed Alya.

"Welcome to Hogwarts, Miss Granger. how are you feeling?" said Dumbledore.

"I'm feeling good, thank you, I've made some friends already so i feel happy to be here!" Alya replied.

"I'm very glad that you're settling in well, Miss Granger. Now, due to you attending school so late, unfortunately we have a lack of dormitories available in slytherin house. Which means that you will have to share with another person from Slytherin. I know it's inconvenient and I give my sincerest apologies." said Dumbledore.

"Oh, that's okay professor, I don't mind. Who will I be sharing with?" replied Alya.

"Well, seeing as you've made some new friends already, I'll let you decide for yourself." smiled Dumbledore. "Mr Malfoy, I trust that you will show Miss Granger where the Slytherin common room is, and help her should she get lost at any point?"

"Of course, professor," said Draco.

"Good. Your uniforms and trunk will be in your common room, and should you require any further assistance, I will be in my office. I'm sure Mr Malfoy can point you in the right direction, he's been there a fair few times, I must say." said Dumbledore, chuckling to himself. "Well, goodnight then."

"Goodnight, professor" said Draco and Alya at the same time. They looked at each other and laughed. They started to make their way out of the great hall and towards the Slytherin common room. they got to the first staircase, when it started to move. "whaa - what is happening? draco!?" said Alya, who looked terrified.

"Oh, i forgot to tell you that the stairs move sometimes!" Draco laughed. "It's okay, you're safe. don't worry" he said, taking Alya's hand in his. Alya looked up at him and smiled, and suddenly, she felt so safe and was no longer scared. She felt butterflies in her stomach once again as Draco's hand connected with hers. Once they reached the top of the stairs, they began walking down a hallway which led them outside of the slytherin common room.

"So, do you know who you're going to share a dorm with then? " asked draco.

"Oh, i forgot about that!" replied Alya. "Well, no i suppose i don't know who i'm going to share with. I don't know if anyone would want to share with me or if they'd prefer their own dorm"

"Well, you can share with me. i mean... i- if you want to of course" said Draco..

"Are you asking me to sleep with you Draco?" joked Alya, giggling.

"Are you saying you want to, Alya?" chuckled Draco, flirtily.

"Yes, i'll share with you, thank you" said Alya. Draco looked really happy to hear her say that, it almost looked like he was blushing.

 "Cool, we're here." he smiled. Alya and Draco reached the Slytherin common room, said the password "Salazar Slytherin" and went inside.

"I was starting to wonder where you two had got to!" joked Tom. "What did old Dumbledore have to say for himself then?"

"He just wanted to explain a few things and make sure that was settling in okay." said Alya. They sat down and talked with the other Slytherins for a while until Alya realised that her trunk was still in the common room.

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