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The next morning, Alya and theo woke up still cuddling in the same position.

"Morning beautiful," smiled Theo.

"Morning Teddy," said Alya.

"Gosh, can we do this more often?" asked Theo, hugging her tighter.

"Absolutely," smiled Alya.

After a few minutes they both got up and put their uniform on before going down to breakfast. They reached the great hall and Mattheo, Tom and Draco all stood up to give Alya a hug and kiss on the cheek as she sat down at the table. Before long, they'd all finished their breakfast and made their way down to Hagrid's hut, where they had a Care of Magical Creatures lesson.

They were learning about Fwopper's. These beautiful birds with bright yellow eyes, and pink, orange and lime green feathers. Alya was absolutely fascinated by them. They each had to learn how to tame them properly before setting the bird on their arm and feeding them. Alya managed to tame hers very quickly. She fed it and started stroking its head. The Fwopper closed its eyes and started making a sort of purring sound.

"Miss Cortez, don't-'' started Hagrid. "Well I never..."

"What?" asked Alya.

"Fwoppers hate affection," said Hagrid. "I've never known a Fwopper to enjoy being touched and stroked... I'm really surprised he's letting you do that,"

"He must like me," smiled Alya, continuing to stroke the bird.

"Even then... it's very odd," said Hagrid.

"Professor, can these be kept as pets?" asked Alya.

"They can, they aren't dangerous at all," said Hagrid. "However, like I said, they don't like affection so they can be quite boring. They also make this horrible sound that can drive you insane, so they have to be sold with a silencing charm on them. They aren't very popular as pets for that reason,"

"Guys, can we get one?" asked Alya.

"Absolutely not," said Draco. "You're hardly in our dorm so you'll only see it once a week, and I'm not bloody looking after it!"

"Not for here, idiot," chuckled Alya. "I mean for home,"

"No way!" shouted Tom, Blaise, Draco and Theo.

"YES!" shouted Mattheo, Pansy and Enzo.

"Why not?" asked Alya.

"Alya, that thing is so fucking ugly," said Theo.

"He's beautiful, Teddy!" said Alya.

"It's pink," said Tom.

"Good observation," chuckled Alya.

"Well sorry Mr dark and mysterious, not everyone likes dull, boring black," chuckled Enzo.

"Whatever," chuckled Tom.

"Ally, seriously that thing is horrendous," said Blaise. "You can't really want one,"

"I think he's cool," said Mattheo. "I want him,"

"Me too!" said Pansy and Enzo.

"We're getting one," said Alya. "Star will love him,"

"No she won't," said Tom. "Not if she's anything like me,"

"Tommy, her favourite colours are pink and purple," laughed Alya. "She literally had me decorate her whole room pink and purple,"

"Fine, but it can stay in your room," said Draco.

"No way!" said Alya. "I'm barely in my room, I'm always in one of yours! He'll get lonely, he can stay in the living room,"

"No chance!" said Tom.

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