New Friends

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Alya and Hermione were making their way through the train to find a place to sit, when Alya accidentally bumped into a tall, blonde boy putting his trunk in the compartment above the seats.

"Hey, watch where your-" he stopped suddenly, staring at Alya with his mouth open. "O-oh... woah,"

"I'm so sorry, I didn't mean- " Alya also stopped mid-way through her sentence. "Woah..."

"N-no I'm sorry, I, uh.. I should've been more careful," said the boy. "I'm Draco, Draco Malfoy... I haven't seen you here before, what's your name?"

"None of your business, Malfoy!" Shouted Hermione. "Come on Ally, let's go find the others" she said.

"Hermione, don't be so rude!" gasped Alya. "Please excuse my sister, she's always grouchy in the morning. I'm Alya... Granger,"

"Wait, you're related to Granger? But you look nothing like her!" said Draco, seemingly astonished.

"Well, we've just found out that I was actually adopted. So technically no, I'm not related to Hermione. Not really, anyway," said Alya.

"Oh... that makes sense. Would you... care to sit with me? I'll introduce you to my friends," Draco asked Alya, grinning at her.

"No she would not! You're coming with me , we're going to find Harry and Ron." Snapped Hermione.

"Piss off Hermione, I can make my own decisions," snapped Alya. "How am I supposed to make my own friends if you're trying to scare them off? Go find your friends yourself, I don't even know them! I'd love to sit with you Draco, thank you"

Hermione stormed off through the train, leaving Alya standing with Draco when suddenly, the train started moving. Alya accidentally fell into Draco, almost knocking him over. Alya got a whiff of strong cologne that made her weak. Draco grabbed Alya's waist to stop them from falling.

 "Woah! I'm so sorry Draco!" Shouted Alya.

"Don't worry about it, I'm glad I caught you before we both toppled over!" chuckled Draco. "Come, let's go introduce you to my friends."

They walked over to a table seat where 4 boys and one girl were sitting. 

"Guys, this is Alya. She's gonna sit with us." said Draco.

"Since when did you have other friends- woah..." said one of the boys.


"oh... my... god..."

"Woah Draco, you could've warned us" said the boys.

"Put your eyes back in, for god sake" Said Draco.

"Hi everyone, I'm Alya," smiled Alya, shyly.

"Bloody hell, you're absolutely gorgeous! I'm Pansy Parkinson" said the girl, standing up and hugging Alya.

"Wait really? Thank you so much!" Said Alya. She'd never been complimented like that by a girl before.

"Hi Theo, I'm Nott beautiful.... Wait shit... I meant hi beautiful, I'm Theodore Nott'' said the boy with curly brown hair. Alya giggled to herself.

"Sorry about them darling, they clearly have no manners! I'm Mattheo Riddle and this is my brother Tom" said the tallest boy, who had messy, brown hair. He had these beautiful dark eyes that Alya could've sworn she saw a sparkle in when she looked at him.

 Mattheo's brother Tom stood up and shook Alya's hand and said "Pleasure to meet you, Alya '' He had jet black hair that had one small curl right at the front. 

"Oh wow, nice to meet you too, Tom." said Alya.

 The last boy stood up, he seemed particularly confident. He had dark skin and dark eyes. he took Alya's hand and kissed it.

 "Hey there, I'm Blaise," he said. "Where have you been all my life, gorgeous?" 

"Chill out you lot, you're probably creeping the her out!" snapped Draco. "Here take my seat Alya, I'll sit opposite you"

"Oh, thank you," smiled Alya. "I'm not creeped out at all though. It's nice to meet you all, but I'm confused. What should Draco have warned you all about?"

"Well, I don't think any of us were expecting someone like Malfoy to bring a girl as stunning as you over here, that's all!" said Mattheo. Alya raised her eyebrows at him and chuckled.

"Oh right, why's that Riddle?" said Draco.

"No reason at all..." said Mattheo, laughing. "I mean, I also didn't realise you had any other friends,"

"Well thank you Mattheo, you're not so bad yourself." Alya giggled. "And we just met, I accidentally bumped into him when I got onto the train,"

"Wait a minute," said Blaise. "Did you say your last name was Granger? As in goodie goodie - I mean.. Harmony Granger?"

"Hermione," chuckled Alya. "Yes, she's my sister. But I've just found out that we're not even related at all because her parents adopted me when I was younger."

"Oh I'm sorry to hear that, but that does make sense," said Mattheo. "You're nothing like her,"

"So I've heard," laughed Alya. 

"It's true," said Tom.

 "So do you know who your real parents are? If you don't mind me asking, of course," asked Pansy.

"Well, my mum... sorry, Hermione's mum said that my dad is a professor at Hogwarts, which is why I've had to transfer schools," explained Alya.  "She didn't have time to give me a name, so I really don't know what to expect,"

"I'm sure you'll find out soon." said Draco, smiling at Alya. Alya smiled back, and couldn't help but notice the butterflies in the stomach when Draco looked at her, with his bright blue eyes and gorgeous smile. *gosh, what is it about this boy that's making me blush so hard?!* she thought to herself.

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