Boxing Day

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Alya and the twins woke up the next morning, cuddling as usual. They all shared the same look between each other as they remembered what happened the night before. They started giggling at each other as the twins kissed Alya on either one of her cheeks. They stayed in the same spot, cuddling each other for a few minutes before eventually deciding to go downstairs for breakfast. Alya's legs, however, hadn't healed themselves properly from the night before, and she could barely walk properly without them shaking.

"Oh shit," said Alya. "What are we going to do?!"

"Oh no!" laughed George, loudly.

"Looks like we're going to have to carry you down, my love," chuckled Fred, bending down so that she could climb on his back.

"This is going to look weird," sighed Alya.

"We don't really have a choice!" chuckled George, as they left the room and made their way downstairs. They said good morning to everyone as they sat at the table, with big grins on their faces and sneaking looks and winks at each other. Fred was next to Alya, while George was directly opposite her.

"Why are you carrying her, Fred?" asked Harry.

"We...promised her princess treatment as a pay back for our Christmas present last night..." said Fred, quickly.

"Yep, they promised to carry me around all day and wait on my hand and foot," chuckled Alya. Fred kept looking over at her and giggling to himself, quietly.

"God, Freddie, will you stop doing that," laughed Alya, shooting him a playful death stare.

"Oh how the tables have turned," he chuckled. He leaned closer to whisper in her ear.

"You were saying the exact opposite last night," he whispered, which made Alya laugh out loud.

"You're a nightmare, you are," she laughed.

"What are you two laughing at?" asked Hermione, looking at them suspiciously.

"Freddie's just being an idiot, nothing out of the ordinary," chuckled Alya.

"Oh, an idiot, am I?" he laughed to himself. "That must make George an idiot too. Are you an idiot, George?"

"Must be," he chuckled. "But then if we're both idiots, you must be one too, Ally,"

"That doesn't even make sense," laughed Ginny.

"Oh, but it does," smirked George.

"Yep, are you an idiot Ally?" chuckled Fred.

"Judging by my recent life choices, clearly I am," she smirked at the twins, who both looked at her, slapping a hand across their chests and gasping.

"I am offended!" said Fred.

"As am I," said George. "So you're saying you regret our...sorry, your decision?"

"It really doesn't seem that way," smirked Fred.

"Shut up, you two!" chuckled Alya.

"What the bloody hell are you three going on about?" said Ron, with a mouthful of food.

"Nothing," chuckled the three of them at the same time.

"Anyway, I went to your room last night to ask you something but you weren't there," said Ron. "Where were you?"

"Oh... we were in Ally's room," said George, shooting Fred and Alya a nervous look.

"Why were you in there?" asked Ron,suspiciously.

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