The Joke Shop

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Alya and the others woke up the next morning to Star jumping on all of their beds. She jumped in between Alya and Tom on their inflatable bed.

"Wake up!" she shouted, as Alya, Tom and Draco opened their eyes.

"What's wrong, love?" asked Alya.

"I'm hungry," said Star.

"You could've waited until we were up," groaned Tom, wrapping his arms around Alya and burying his head in her neck.

"Stop being so grumpy, Tommy," chuckled Alya. "Come on, Star, let's get you some breakfast,"

"Don't even think about cuddling into me, Riddle," joked Draco, as Alya got out of bed.

"Wasn't planning on it," laughed Tom.

Alya took Star into the kitchen and started making breakfast as Star went around to wake the others up. They all sat on the sofas and armchairs to eat before deciding to pack up and head back home.

When they returned to Casa Stella, they all went to put their things back in their rooms, before noticing 9 Hogwarts letters on the dining room table.

"Look, Star, our letters are here," smiled Alya, handing Star her one.

"Oh my goodness!" exclaimed Star, grabbing it and ripping it open. "Does this mean we can go and get my wand now?"

"Yes it does," smiled Theo.

"We can all go today if you want," said Alya. "Now, even?"

"Yes, yes, yes!" cheered Star.

Alya chuckled at her before walking over to the fireplace. She demonstrated how to use the Floo network, making the others go first so that Star had a better idea of what to do.

"Okay, your turn, Star," said Alya. "Take a nice, big handful. And remember to speak very clearly. Diagon Alley. The others will be there waiting for you when you get there,"

"Okay," said Star. She took a handful of the powder and stepped into the fireplace. "Diagon Alley,"

Alya beamed and followed after her. When she arrived, Star was waiting there with the others, who were congratulating and high-fiving her. Star couldn't contain her excitement as they made their way around Diagon Alley. Having only been there once before on the day she moved in, she was extremely fascinated by all of the different shops. Especially now, considering she was shopping for her first year at Hogwarts. She held Alya's hand the whole time as they walked around Diagon Alley purchasing all of their new equipment and books.

After purchasing everything they needed, they went into Ollivander's to get Star's wand. Mr Ollivander was up on his ladder when they walked in, and his eyes lit up when he saw them all in his shop once again.

"Ahh, Mr Malfoy, Miss Parkinson, Mr Zabini, Mr Nott," smiled Ollivander. "Messers Riddle, and Mr... Berkshire, is it? Miss Granger, good to see you all again,"

"Hello, sir," smiled Alya. "It's actually Cortez now, Snape-Cortez,"

"Oh yes, of course," said Ollivander. "My bad. And who do we have here?"

"I'm Star," said Star, shyly. "Star Rid- Cortez,"

"A relation to you, Miss Cortez?" asked Ollivander, looking puzzled at Alya.

"Yes, my sister," replied Alya, plainly.

"Oh, I wasn't aware that... nevermind," said Ollivander. "Let me see what we have here,"

Ollivander browsed his wide selection of wands that were stacked in complete disorder around the shop, muttering things to himself as he picked out two different ones. He took one out of the box and handed it to Star.

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