The Black Lake - Part One

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Friday. Alya's favourite day of the week, because it meant that the weekend was coming. Although this Friday was shaping out to be pretty horrendous. That was until after lunch. First, they had a divination lesson in which she and Fred were late to. They were up incredibly late pranking people and staff with George, laughing and joking with each other and sneaking into the kitchens to steal a bunch of snacks from the house elves that worked down there, but also thanks to Fred's insane stamina. After multiple rounds, Alya could barely even walk properly. Fred carried her on his back to their divination class, earning stifled laughs from Pansy as she knew exactly what was happening when she saw it. Professor Trelawney gave them both detention, considering it wasn't the first time they'd been late to her lesson.

"Nice one, Weasley," she said, slapping his arm lightly and rolling her eyes at him.

"Oh shut up, you weren't complaining last night when I made you cum 5 times," chuckled Fred, grinning at her.

"Piss off," chuckled Alya.

After divination, they all went up to the great hall for lunch. Alya was starving by this point as she'd missed breakfast. However, much to her dismay, her lunch was interrupted by Dumbledore coming over to tell her the Minister for Magic, Cornelius Fudge was back and wanted a word with her. She quickly picked up two slices of pizza to eat on the way to Dumbledore's office and followed him, feeling very irritated. They reached Dumbledore's office, only to find it full of reporters once again. Alya groaned and rolled her eyes as she walked over to Fudge.

"Hello again, Miss Cortez," said Fudge.

"Hello Minister," said Alya. "How can I help you?"

"Last time I was here, I promised you an award for your bravery," said Fudge. "If you remember,"

"Yes sir, I remember," nodded Alya. "But that isn't necessary, I don't need an award,"

"Well I'm going to give you one anyway," said Fudge, turning around to grab something that was on Dumbledore's desk. "We've added one to the Wall of Recognition in the Ministry too, it's a great accomplishment to have, you know?"

"Oh wow," said Alya, taking the trophy from Fudge's hand.

It was a golden statue in the shape of a clenched fist. It had a small plaque on the bottom, which read:


"Thank you, sir," said Alya, taking the reward from him.

"You're very welcome," smiled Fudge. "Now, if you will, I'd like a few photos of you with the reward,"

"Oh... right, okay," said Alya.

Fudge stood next to her as all of the different reporters snapped a bunch of photos of the two of them. Alya knew this was going to end up in the Prophet, which she hated the thought of. She was sick of people talking about her killing Voldemort, and about her in general. She put on a fake smile whilst taking the photos, before sighing with relief when they had stopped. After a few chats with the reporters, Alya made her way down to the Slytherin common room. She had missed lunch by now, and was so annoyed and ravenous.

She entered the common room and found her friends sitting on the sofas waiting for her. They all smiled at her as she walked in, but the smiles soon faded once they saw the look on her face.

"What's wrong, love?" asked Draco.

"What's happened?" asked Mattheo. "You look pissed,"

"Who do I need to beat up?" asked Tom.

"No, it's nothing like that," sighed Alya, handing the trophy to Mattheo. "Look at this stupid thing,"

"An outstanding bravery award?" he asked. "Ally, this is huge,"

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