The First Night

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"Let's unpack your stuff, see what you've got," Alya said, before turning to the twins. "If you two want to go downstairs, I've got this," 

They smiled at her and went downstairs. Alya and Star sat on the floor and went through Star's boxes. She only had a couple, mostly full of this ghastly uniform that she had to wear at the orphanage. She had a few pairs of jeans and some old, ripped shirts, a couple of holey socks and one pair of trainers that looked way too small for her.

"Is any of this stuff important?" asked Alya, pointing to Star's clothes.

"No, it's just what they gave up at Wool's," said Star.

"Okay, we're throwing all of that away and we're going shopping," said Alya. "What's in the other box?"

"Oh, these are some presents that Matt and Tom gave me," she said, pulling out a couple of little bracelets, a diary and a few stuffed teddy bears. She then pulled out a picture frame that had a picture of the three of them that looked like it was taken a few years ago. Alya smiled when she saw it.

"This was the first time they came to see me," smiled Star. "I think I was 6,"

"It's beautiful," smiled Alya. "Why don't you put it on your windowsill?"

Star agreed, and put it there.

"Alya... how did we get here? And how did you change my room?" asked Star. "Did we really do magic?"

Alya hesitated at first, but realised that she needed to tell Star sooner rather than later. Plus, she'd remembered that the twins wanted her help with telling her, anyway. She explained to Star that they were all wizards, and they go to a school of magic. She then told Star that she, too, was a wizard. Or rather, a witch. She told her that Star would be attending Hogwarts next year with them, but she can start teaching her magic before then if she'd like. To which, of course, Star agreed.

Once the boxes of sentimental things were unpacked, Alya packed the horrible clothes into a box and she took Star downstairs. They went into the living room to see everyone before Alya went into the kitchen to make some lunch for everyone. They all sat together at the dining table and ate their lunch, talking to each other and to Star.

"Star and I are going shopping," said Alya, as she and Star finished their lunch. "She needs new clothes, the ones they gave her are horrible and barely fit,"

"Can we come?" asked Blaise.

"No!" said Star. "Girls day. Pansy can come,"

"Yes!" said Pansy, jumping up.

"Gosh, I see how it is," said Blaise, pretending to clutch his chest, which made Star giggle.

"Here, take my card, love," said Mattheo, handing it to her.

"Don't be ridiculous, Matty," laughed Alya. "I have my own money,"

"Okay, but that doesn't mean you need to spend it," said Mattheo.

"I'll take your card, Matt," smirked Pansy.

"Piss off, Pants," laughed Mattheo.

"Okay we're going now, I love you all," said Alya, kissing Mattheo's cheek as the three of them left the house.

"Pans, take her other hand please," Alya said to Pansy. "Star, remember, don't let go, okay?"

"Okay," said Star, as they apparated to Diagon Alley.

"Wow, this place looks cool!" said Star, looking around in awe.

"It is cool, and I know a shop even cooler!" said Alya. "Wanna meet some of my friends?"

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