Seventh Year

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The rest of the summer was filled with teaching Star some more magic, visits from the Granger's and Alya's grandparents as well as Narcissa and Snape, and sleepovers and surprise visits from the Weaselys, mostly Ginny, who couldn't seem to stay away. Alya also went to stay with the twins at their flat every weekend, and they made a deal to spend one night a week at the Burrow, too, which was much appreciated by Molly.

Star's birthday was at the start of August, and Alya and her friends made the day as special as possible for her. They decorated the whole of the house with balloons and birthday banners and bought her loads of presents, one of which was a small, grey owl which Star had named 'Cissy' after Narcissa. They went out to a muggle cinema in the morning, per Star's request, and she wanted to go camping again that night after going out for a meal, so that's what they did. It's safe to say she enjoyed her first proper birthday celebration, which made Alya and the others extremely happy.

It was now September 1st, and Alya, Star and the rest of the Slytherins were each going one by one into the barrier of platform 9 ¾. Star was watching with wide eyes, as Mattheo ran into the wall and disappeared. She looked positively terrified, so Pansy held her hand and went with her. Once they were all on the platform, they found the Gryffindors and went to sit in a compartment with them.

"Ally, it's so weird to think that we all met you a year ago, today," said Blaise. "It feels like it's been so much longer than that,"

"I know right," chuckled Draco. "A year ago today, you bumped into me and my heart stopped beating for a few seconds when I locked eyes with you,"

"Aw, Dray," blushed Alya, kissing his cheek. "Mine did too, though. I literally stumbled on my words when I first looked at you,"

"Fucking hell, it's been a year since our first kiss tomorrow," said Mattheo.

"A year since my first kiss ever," laughed Draco.

"And the rest," chuckled Pansy. "That means it's been a year since our first kiss too, Ally,"

"How sweet," giggled Alya.

"This is weird," said Star, looking around at them. "Ally, why did you kiss Flower?"

"Oh... I just did," said Alya, awkwardly.

"But she's a girl," said Star.

"Girls can kiss girls," said Pansy. "And boys can kiss boys,"

"Oh," said Star. "That's good,"

"Good?!" repeated Tom.

"Yeah," said Star. "It means more people can be in love,"

"That might be the cutest thing you've ever said," said Theo. "But you're absolutely right,"

"I'm going to kiss a girl," said Star.

"You're not going to be kissing anyone until you're at least 30," protested Mattheo.

"What!" exclaimed Star. "You're not 30 and you kiss Ally!"

"That's not the point," said Mattheo.

"Gosh, Matty," chuckled Alya. "We really can't say anything about all that, how old were you when you had your first kiss?"

"That's... that's irrelevant," said Mattheo.

"Exactly," said Alya. "But Star, you won't be kissing anyone until you're at least 14,"

"But that's ages away!" protested Star.

"Not my problem," smiled Alya.

"So unfair," said Star, crossing her arms over her chest.

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