The Sister

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Over the next few days, Alya, Fred and George had been moving the twins' belongings into their new flat as all the furniture had arrived. The twins had pretty much completely moved in after 2 days, and the joke shop was almost fully stocked up. The twins and Alya had decided to stay the night at the flat, so they went to the three broomsticks to get some dinner.

They finished their dinner, and headed to a small, empty looking shop at the end of Diagon Alley. It was a locksmith's, and Alya got 10 extra keys made out of each key that she had for Casa Cortez. One for each of her friends, one each for Snape and Narcissa, and a couple spare that she would leave with the Weasley's and Hermione. They then went to Twilfitt and Tattings, where Alya got a beautiful engraved keychain for each of her friends. She got silver keychains and engraved them in black, with; 'Pansy' 'Teddy' 'Matty' 'Tommy' 'Dray' 'Blaise'. She also got one with 'Dad' and one with 'Narcissa' on it, as well as one with 'Ally' and 'Casa Stella'.

"What is Casa Stella?" asked Fred, looking at the keychain in confusion.

"It's my house," said Alya."My mum loved stars, so much so that the charm used to unlock our gates has the word 'stella' in it. I just thought it would be cute to incorporate that, plus if this key ever gets lost I really don't want people to see my name on it,"

"That's smart," said George. "Merlin knows how many people would try and come to your house if they found that,"

"Exactly," said Alya.

Alya then had an idea. She found these large plaques that you could engrave, and took them to the counter. She got each of them engraved with 'Mattheo' 'Tom' 'Draco' 'Pansy' 'Theo' 'Blaise' and 'Alya'. She paid for everything and left the shop with the twins.

They went back to the joke shop and walked upstairs to the flat. They sat on the new sofas in the living room and put the tv on. Alya was laying on Fred's chest and George was laying on Alya's, playing with each other's hair.

"Are you sure you won't just move in with us," whined George. "I hate being away from you,"

"I can't Georgie," chuckled Alya. "I have my own place, plus my Slytherin friends are moving in with me. I would've asked the pair of you to move in too, but wouldn't you rather be close to the shop?"

"I'd rather be close to you," said Fred, kissing the top of her head.

"Well, there really isn't any point in you moving all the way to Godrick's Hollow when you have a flat directly above your shop," smiled Alya. "If you really want to, you can, but it would be silly. You're always welcome at Casa Stella, though,"

"And you're always welcome at Casa Weasley," chuckled George. "You're right though, it would be silly,"

"I love you both," laughed Alya.

"I love you, Ally," said George, kissing her hand.

"I love you more," said Fred.

"I just need to go and talk to some of the boys," said Alya. "Won't be long,"

"Can't you stay here and do it?" asked Fred.

"Yeah, I'm really comfy," said George.

"Fine," laughed Alya. "I'll be right back,"

She closed her eyes and went to find Theo. She found him sitting in a large bedroom surrounded by boxes. He was sitting at a desk reading, when Alya popped into his head.

"Hey, Teddy," said Alya. "You didn't waste any time, did you,"

"Ally, hey!" said Theo. "I told you I was excited, didn't I,"

"You're so cute," Alya smiled. "Well I've got the keys, so whenever you're ready you can move in,"

"I'm ready now, everything is packed other than my clothes which will only take me 5 minutes," said Theo. "Are you free tomorrow?"

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