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  Chapter 84

  When Qi Nuo was born for seven months, Qi Shujian had to go on a business trip because of work, and the time was not long, only about a week, but this was the first time she was away from Lu Yiqing and the two children after the two children were born. so long.

  Half a month in advance, Qi Shujian has already started to worry about whether to go on a business trip. There are two children in the family who need to be taken care of, and one is even still breastfeeding. Lu Yiqing usually has to go to work and is breastfeeding. She will inevitably worry Lu Yiqing couldn't take care of her.

  Lu Tan was sitting on his protective chair waiting for Lu Yiqing to be fed. Lu Yiqing fed her some food. Seeing her squinting her eyes and swallowing the food, she carefully wiped the marks on the corners of Lu Tan's mouth.

  After a few mouthfuls, Lu Tan was already full. She tilted her head, and said in a milky voice, "Mom, no more." She rubbed her stomach: "I'm full." Hearing this, Lu

  Yi Qing didn't continue to ask her, she stopped what she was doing, and turned her head to look at Qi Nuo who was in Qi Shujian's arms.

  "Should she be eating?" Qi Shujian looked down at the child who was holding a pacifier in his arms. Wen Sheng said: "Does she want to eat milk powder?"

  After Lu Yiqing gave birth to Qi Nuo, the milk has not been enough for the children, and Qi Sujian felt that eating milk powder would not affect it, so Qi Nuo ate more milk powder. Even if Lu Yiqing was educated by Lu Fen to eat more nutritious food, Qi Shujian would not force her to eat something she didn't like, and in the end it ended up in her and Lu Tan's mouths.

  "No need." Lu Yiqing shook his head.

  "Oh." Qi Shujian stood up and hugged the child to Lu Yiqing.

  Immediately after she saw Lu Yiqing unbutton his clothes, revealing a piece of whiteness, the child hesitated a few times before biting it, Lu Yiqing frowned slightly the moment he was bitten, and recovered very quickly.

  Qi Shujian stared at her.

  As if feeling Qi Shujian's gaze, Lu Yiqing said in a low voice, "What's wrong?

  " Qin Nuo eats, I'd better supervise her to eat."


  Lu Yiqing patted Qi Nuo lightly a few times: "What's the matter?"

  Qi Shujian stood up and prepared the baby's milk powder, tested the temperature with her hands, and said with her back to Lu Yiqing: " In two weeks, my company is going to open a branch in Changdu, I want to visit."

  Lu Yiqing buttoned up her clothes, she nodded, "Yeah." After a pause, she asked again: "How long?" "A

  week." Yi Qing took her out of her arms, put her in her arms, and asked the child to continue drinking milk powder. She comforted her and said, "It will be soon." "

  Then why don't you go to your mother's house for a few days?" Qi Shujian thought for a while. After thinking about it, he looked at Lu Tan who was playing and said, "Put Changge at my mother's house first."

  Lu Tan seemed to have heard her name, and she ran over on short legs: "Go to Grandma Qi's house." Do you want to play?"

  "Yes." Qi Shujian nodded, her eyes were crooked, and she did not forget to ask: "At grandma's house, I also miss my mother, me, and my sister. Also, just occasionally I have to help grandma too."

  Lu Tan nodded, his bright eyes sparkled with anticipation: "I know, Mommy. I will go to grandma's house and behave well." A big smile rose from the corner of her mouth : "Grandma likes me the most now, I can speak nice words for you."

  "...Yes, yes." Qi Shujian couldn't help but smile too.

  Immediately afterwards, she raised her chin towards Lu Yiqing: "What about you?"

  "Huh?" Lu Yiqing gave her a suspicious look.

  "Every child knows that you have to behave well when you go to grandma's house." Qi Shujian's tone became more serious: "Don't you know?" Lu

  Tan lay on Lu Yiqing's lap, and she said, "Mom. Mommy wants you Go to grandma's house and behave well." She counted on her fingers: "First, don't force yourself to eat something you don't like for the sake of your sister; second, pay more attention to rest and keep your body happy; Mi call."

  The child recited it so proficiently, it can be seen how many times Qi Shujian said it at home every day.

  After finishing speaking, Lu Tan raised his head and looked at Lu Yiqing with big bright eyes, with an expression begging for praise.

  Lu Yiqing: "..."

  "That's right." Qi Shujian nodded with great satisfaction: "You recited Changge well."

  Qi Shujian nodded and glanced at the white and tender Qi Nuo in her arms, and said: "Qi Nuo looks much more beautiful now than when she first came out, and that's right, my mother said that it's the same as when you were a child. She is very beautiful. But it also shows that she is fine if she doesn't breastfeed." She frowned slightly: "Even if Changge and I are not here, the things my mother makes will probably be wasted, but if you don't like to eat them, it's okay Don't eat, you know?"

  "This is a family rule." Qi Shujian looked at Qi Nuo and Lu Tan: "Although it's only for you, you have to do it." "..."


  Yiqing looked at Qi Shujian With an obviously feigned expression, she tensed up, and she said calmly: "Well, I don't want to gain weight."

  Qi Shujian, who gained a little weight because of taking Lu Yiqing's supplements often: "..."

  She also recognized Seriously looked at Lu Yiqing: "That's fine. Anyway, you are in good shape, and I am the one who is comfortable in the end." She nodded, opened her mouth again, and spoke very fast: "I am a pervert Well."

  Lu Yiqing actually saw what Qi Shujian wanted to express from her mouth shape.

  "But that's what I said." Qi Shujian's tone was much gentler: "You must pay attention to the balanced nutrition. You don't need to eat for the children, but you have to eat more for yourself, you know?" She was not serious enough. Seconds later, she said: "It feels good to be fatter, isn't that what you said? You have experienced it, let me experience it a little bit too?" "..." Lu Yiqing lowered her head, and she touched it

  . Touching her lower abdomen: "I know. I will take care of myself." She turned her head to look at Qi Shujian and said, "You have to take care of yourself when you are on a business trip. I have to take care of two children, so I can't..." She paused After a while, with an extremely low voice, she said: "Cha Gang."

  "Hahaha." Qi Shujian laughed lightly, she stood up and put Qi Nuo on the crib, and said in a regretful tone: " Let's just say that the two kids are annoying sometimes, and the fun of chasing guards is gone." She walked over and kissed Lu Yiqing lightly on the cheek: "Although I miss you every night, it's a bit uncomfortable, but I miss you. Don't worry about yours."

  "...It doesn't have to be every day." Lu Yiqing said.

  "That's right." Qi Shujian responded, "That's right, we said three times a week is better." She counted with her fingers and said, "I grew up singing, you gave birth to Qi Nuo, after all, we owe each other many times Forget it." After thinking about it, Qi Shujian pinched her eyebrows: "No, after giving birth to Changge, my brain is really not very good, and I can't even solve such a good welfare math problem." Qi Shujian

  laughed Eyebrows crooked: "You are a physics teacher, you must be good at math, do you do the math?" "..."

  Lu Yiqing looked away, she turned her head to look at the clock, stood up and said in a cold voice "It's time for Changge to sleep."

  Lu Yiqing's back was straight, and it was not at all obvious that he was teased by Qi Shujian and fled. Qi Shujian also stood up. She carefully pushed Qi Nuo's stroller, and said, "It's okay to give you a discount. 50% off?" She hissed: "At most 10% off, no more Less." There was an indescribable heartache in her tone.

  "...Qi Shujian." Lu Yiqing's voice became louder: "Shut up!" Her hand on Lu Tan's shoulder was a little heavy.

  Fortunately, the kid is still young, so I can't hear Qi Shujian's... unserious words for the time being.

  Lu Yiqing took care of Lu Tan and washed his face. Lu Tan opened his mouth and yawned. She climbed up from Lu Yiqing's body: "Mom, hug." She put her arms around Lu Yiqing's neck and gently sniffed her body. Liaoxiu: "Mom smells delicious. I like to hug my mother just like my mother." When

  Qi Shujian came in, she just heard the last sentence, and she sighed.

  It can't be the same, my dear baby.

  There was a bit of anger in Lu Yi's green eyes, and Qi Shujian touched her nose: "Don't look at me like that." She was uncertain: "I didn't teach the children badly."

God, she had a second child with her cold best friend!Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora