Luckily, (y/n) was able to catch herself before she broke a few bones here and there. Letting out a shaky breath, (y/n) climbed down more carefully, jumping down when she was only a few feet above the ground. 

"So, where to?" 


(y/n) joined the other three into the Chariot, where she was greeted by a smiling Don. The four filled her in on everything, especially Will's condition.

(y/n) let out a sigh of relief when she heard that Will's surgery was successful. She hoped that she would see him when this was all over. 

As they drove off into a forest, the dam was spotted in between two mountains. But there was something strange about it; there was a red light moving on the walls.

"Look!" Penny pointed up ahead. "It's robot. If we can see his light, so can dad." 

"Yeah, but those other Chariots have a big head start." Judy told the redhead. "We'll never make it on time."

On cue, Don—who was driving—took a sharp left.

 "What are you doing?" Vijay asked the man. 

"The road to drive up is long and windy. If we go by foot, we can beat them there." Don replied.

Penny blinked in confusion. "I'm sorry. It sounded like you said on foot?"

Don stopped the Chariot after a few seconds, turning off the vehicle. "The dam is just beyond those trees. The fastest way for us to get to the top is to take the elevator inside straight up."

"And how are we supposed to get inside of the dam?" Judy questioned.

"Because you have something that nobody else does."

"What's that?"

Don smirked at Judy's question. "Don West." 

(y/n) scoffed at the man's reply, jumping out of the Chariot and following his lead. "Way to be cocky." 

"Not cocky, just confident." Don replied smugly. 

(y/n) rolled her eyes as the pair fell into a smooth conversation before being joined by Vijay—whom was staring at a certain someone. 

(y/n) and Don smirked at one another when they saw this. 

"What are you doing walking back here with us?" Don asked the teen.

"What do you mean?" Vijay said obliviously. 

"Well, let's face it, the robot isn't the only thing you're looking for here." Don nodded to the pair of sisters in front of them.

"Yeah, and her names starts with P and ends with enny." (y/n) joked, causing the boy to fluster. 

"And if I had to choose between a girl I was crazy about and a guy who hasn't showered in days-"

"Maybe Penny and I are better as friends." Vijay interrupted the rambling man. 

Don sighed, pulling the boy closer with his jacket. "Listen, if there's something I've learned, it's that relationships are a lot like smuggling."

"What?" (y/n) chocked. "Don, that's most def-"

"Let me talk. First, find out what the person wants. Then, you have to decide if you know how to get it for them."

Don gave him a few chest pats before striding ahead, leaving both Vijay and (y/n) jaw-dropped.

Shaking out of the state of shock, (y/n) stood in front of Vijay. "Vijay, just be yourself. If you and Penny were meant to be then it will happen. If not, you're a great guy and there are plenty of other great girls here."

Vijay softened at the girl's words. "Thanks (y/n)."

"But I do prefer you with Penny so make some moves, will you?" (y/n) winked before leaving him  jaw dropped, yet again. 

"Okay, we're here." Penny announced to everyone, looking at the giant dam in front of them. "So how do we get inside?" 

"Leave that to me." Going near the walls, a door and keypad was spotted. Don got to the it as Judy followed closely. 

"No peeking." He said to her.

"How do you have the code to the dam?" Judy looked at him suspiciously. 

"I do not." Don replied truthfully. "But I do have the code to this really, really big wine cellar." As he opened the door, the five stepped inside while looking around.

"Do you usually store booze in a dam?" Penny asked him.

"That's right. And if we survive today and I catch you or any of your underage friends trying to break in and party, I'll whoop your ass." The man threatened the group causing nothing more than a casual eye roll as a reaction.

As they started walking deeper in the dam, the lights begin to dim into a blood red, creating an eerie feeling for all. 

"Are we lost?" Penny asked.

"Nope, here it is." Don nodded towards the elevator. "It should take us to the top." 

As he pressed the button, the elevator began to make noises. 

"Wow, is this safe?"

"Well, if it's not. I'm gonna take care of you." Vijay said to Penny, getting an awkward laugh in return. Seeing and hearing this, (y/n) face palmed and cringed at his words.

"Okay, plan is, when we see the robot, we approach him together." Judy says to them. "But (y/n) should talk to him. After Will, she's the one who spent the most time with him."

The other four agreed to the plan before the ducked down in fear. The elevator's noises started to increase and it seemed as if it was stuck.

"Why is it stopping?" Vijay said. "We're not at the top yet."

"I don't know. The gears are still grinding." Don started to tap the keypad. "It's gotta be stuck on something. Come on."

The elevator door opened up and as they stepped out of it, shivers began to run down their spine.

Walls were ruined with claws and burn marks. The red glow in the hallways glowed even dark, and loose, running wires were hanging from the ceiling. And from the looks of it, there was more then one robot near by.


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