53 watching gunpowder

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Watching gunpowder, licking the wound on his face, the little boy was caught greedy for blood, and he was obedient and gave blood to drink
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【What the writer wants to say:】

wife fishing champion


Ji Lanxue thought about asking a Taoist priest about strange things, but after getting along with the young master for a day, she forgot about it, and just went to the Zangshuge to find some strange books to read, no matter which book, No mention of such a strange soul body as the little prince.

So those Taoist priests are still working hard in the Ministry of Industry. Ji Lanxue has a complete dislike for Taoist priests. Speaking of which, it has something to do with his childhood experience.

Ji Lanxue's biological mother died of dystocia, and she was born with an ominous name. The late emperor didn't care about him, and he was often abused by others when he was young.

When he was ten years old, a favored concubine in the late emperor's harem instructed the late emperor to throw him into the temple and become a child for the late emperor's favored Daoist Qingwei.

For a prince, this is undoubtedly a humiliation, but Ji Lanxue also seized the opportunity to go out of the palace, secretly planned the layout, regained some confidantes, rescued a swordsman by chance, and learned martial arts. His subsequent superiority laid the groundwork.

He had seen Taoist priests practicing alchemy in the temple, and was almost injured by the explosion of the alchemy furnace several times, but Ji Lanxue did not drive them out because of his prejudice against Taoist priests.

Ji Lanxue had seen the explosive power of the alchemy, and after ascending to the throne, she only executed Taoist Master Qingwei, and then arrested the Taoist priests from the imperial city to the Ministry of Industry, so that they could practice the explosive pills that could be controlled by others. He believes that this elixir can be used as a weapon.

This kind of nonsense seems to outsiders to be a sage, but there are far-reaching calculations behind it, and Ji Lanxue has done a lot.

In the process, he inevitably killed some people and left behind the reputation of a "tyrant". However, he didn't care about his posthumous reputation, and he never restrained his posture.

Ji Lanxue didn't expect that before he went to the Taoist priests, the Taoist priests from the Ministry of Industry came to him. It turned out that the controllable explosive pill had been formed, and he was invited to observe it. He was also curious about the result. With an Apiao behind him, he went to the Ministry of Industry.

The leader of the Taoist priests said that they needed a wide field, and Ji Lanxue agreed, and a group of people came to the school field in a mighty manner.

Cao Zhongliang had long wanted to know what the sage asked these Taoist priests to do. Standing behind Ji Lanxue, he did not bend his waist like a shrimp, but secretly looked up.

I saw a long lead wire protruding from the black lacquered balls in the middle of the school field, and one person lit the fire, and the lead wire burned to the black balls, and after a while, I heard a bang, and it was like a black dragon sprang up in the middle of the school field. The figure, gunpowder and black smoke billowed in.

Cao Zhongliang's ears were buzzing, his heart was horrified, he knelt on the ground, and muttered to himself, "God...Shenwei..."

The little boy floated into the air in surprise: "Gunpowder! It's amazing!"

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