14 The arrest warrant was revoked

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The arrest warrant was revoked, the whole people petitioned, the candy kiss checked the teeth, the little mermaid confessed
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【What the writer wants to say:】

Ning Ning has a special skill in recognizing her husband

Later: This is my husband, why is this also? (pupil earthquake)


Tamo Star is located at the edge of the Federal Star Field. It is a well-known waste planet. Although humans can survive on it, there is no water source, food, and the air is full of harmful gases. It is worse than a garbage star with a dirty environment. Not as good, even the Zerg would not be interested in this place.

No one knows that the underground of Tamo Star is a different scene. After going deep into the ground, you will see a scene like a cave, but there are many differences. Purple plants can provide sufficient oxygen without relying on light, and they can also bloom There are small white flowers, and the rock wall is covered with crystal clear blue gem-like crystals, exuding a faint fluorescence, which also illuminates the dark underground.

It is extremely hot outside, but the temperature in the ground is pleasant. Next to it is a large irregularly shaped lake, which is extremely clear and ice blue, and there are even swimming fish and shrimps living in it.

Yu Shuning was sitting by the lake, with his silvery white tail hanging in the water, swaying and stirring casually, and wearing a pearl crown made by Yin Wuwang on his head, looking from a distance, he looked like some enchanting water demon, or It's an elf in fairyland.

When they came over on the road, they encountered Zerg a few times, all of which were men driving mechas to fight and beat them away.

Yu Shuning just fired cold guns in the cab. His eyesight is excellent, and he can blast the Zerg from a long distance at once. He can also use his mental power to make the Zerg fight among themselves. With the cooperation of two people, it can be said that it is easy to reach Tamo Star .

Yin Wuwang was repairing the mecha, and it seemed that he was still modifying and strengthening it, while Yu Shuning was watching the terminal by the lake.

Although it is underground, there is miraculously a signal. I have to say that the Federation has done a good job in information dissemination. Even the border can receive all the latest news.

For example, the eastern army was attacked by Zerg, and some Zerg sneaked in, but General Sheng Ming quickly summoned troops and blocked the Zerg army on the border defense line. Also injured.

There is also a battle between the rebel army and the western army, both of which suffered losses. Because the border is in a hurry, the two parties are now negotiating a peace, and decided to unify the outside world first, with the most important thing is to protect the survival of human beings.

When the little mermaid first saw the dreamlike scene in the underground of Tamoxing, she couldn't close her mouth in surprise. The outside is hell, and the inside is heaven. However, this is really a miracle of the universe.

Yu Shuning's body adapts well to this place. The mermaid should have lived in the deep seabed where there is no light. His genes don't chase light. However, Yu Shuning has been a human being for more than ten years. It's okay to stay here for a while. After a long time, I can't stand it anymore. Fortunately, Yin Wuwang only came here to get energy.

The running of the spaceship and the operation of the mechs all need energy. Yin Wuwang bought some on Pamela before, but this is not too much. If they want to run around in the future, the more energy the better.

Fast/Through: I Am Always In The Grass To Save The Crazy VillainNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ