20 Masturbatijg thinking of the little beauty

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Masturbating thinking of little beauty, Adolf street stalking, house breaking, brothers meet for the first time
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Seeing the muddy liquid on his hands, Adolf got up expressionlessly and went to wash his hands, still thinking about the scene he just saw in his mind.

The little oriental beauty with black hair and black eyes is beautiful and tight all over her body, her warm jade-like white and flawless body is exposed undefended, and the pink cherry blossoms on her chest are looming under the water. He washes very carefully, from the slender neck to the slender body. Her waist, and her lovely cock dangling quietly between her legs.

When he was cleaning between his legs, his head drooped slightly. He didn't know what happened, and a soft hum came out of his throat. Adolf felt a pang in his heart, and the genitals in his lower body almost immediately erected.

Adolf, who had never been in love before, was confused when faced with his sudden physical reaction. He knew that men would be excited and impulsive, but when he looked at the slender figure, his mood was obviously soft, with An inexplicable cherished mood, why would he get an erection like this?

He sat silently, wanting to wait for his physical reaction to go down on his own. Who would have thought that the little beauty would come out and put on her underwear after she wiped off the water on her body? When she bent over and lifted her leg, the pink seam on the center of her leg was completely covered. Can't help but show everything in the eyes of men.

Adolf's Adam's apple rolled uncontrollably a few times, his dick swelled and hurt, and the blue veins wrapped around the stem throbbed excitedly. He judged that it would not stop for a while, so he simply stretched out his hand to hold himself and started to move.

Ning's body is different from that of ordinary people, but it is also very beautiful. The extra tender pussy does not make him weird at all, on the contrary, he is like this, beautiful beyond gender, if the angel is really Existence, that's probably what it is, Adolf thought absently.

It’s not that he hasn’t had an erection before, but he feels that self-help is troublesome and time-consuming. He usually waits for it to go away on its own, and only then masturbates if it doesn’t work. But today, he feels that if he doesn’t vent it, he will explode. .

The man's low gasps kept ringing in the narrow space, and the hoarseness carried lust that could not be ignored. For the first time, Adolf understood those colleagues around him who liked to find someone to have sex with after completing the list. If he could be with Ning, he would be very happy. Willing to feel the beauty of sex.

It wasn't until the penis was released in his hand that a large stream of thick semen spewed out that Adolf didn't know when he got up, the little beauty who was lying on the bed and wrapped himself in a quilt had disappeared.

He stepped back from the surveillance video, and found that Yu Shuning was standing at the door and said a few words to a man, and then walked away with him. The angle of the camera could not see the man's face clearly, only Ning Xiao's cute profile, Adolf The wolf-like gray eyes suddenly shot a fierce light.

Seeing the marks on Ning's body today, Adolf felt a little strange. Why would a beautiful boy who is invisible and living alone, openly hide the dots of hickey marks on his body in front of strangers? He even asked insincerely, Ning Whether there is a date, the result of course is no.

Originally, Easterners are relatively more reserved. A quiet and slender beauty like Ning does not seem to be someone who can show hickeys. Besides, in Adolf's view, the hickeys are obvious and show everyone, "Ning It's mine", which made him feel very intrusive.

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