"No, we still need to talk. We both need to say our piece. And anyways she's married Mackey. I heard her talk to her husband. You can tell they care for each other."

"Did you just hear yourself? You said care."
"What are you saying?"

"You didn't say love, or you could tell she wanted to jump his bones. "

I give him a look. "Just drop it Mackey. I could feel the love from their conversation."

"Do you know how long they've been married? She said they have never lived together. What kind of marriage is that?", he's walking backwards with his hands up in defense mode. Mackey doesn't know everything. He only knows the bits and pieces that I've told him when he asked. He knew since the moment he seen the two of us together that we had history. I mean he's a detective for goodness' sake. I really need to talk to River before the barbeque tomorrow. I don't want to push her into talking, but I feel like the sooner we talk the sooner we can get through our shit. Melissa will be there tomorrow, and I don't want her to be caught off guard. I mean River should know my mom invites everyone.


I wake up with a pounding headache and my mouth feels as dry as the Sahara. I think I drank a little more than I thought I would. I guess I forgot to close the curtains because the sun is shining through with full force. I groan as Mackey's dog jumps in bed with me and licks all over my face.

I didn't get a chance to talk to River before she left. Matter fact I'm pretty sure I passed out before she left. After the first corn hole game her and Mackey kept winning. Mackey walks into the room with a bottle of water and a bottle of Aleve.

"Call your attack dog off."

"Bailey off." He drags his dog off me. "How are you feeling? I told you to take some aleve before you went to bed. Stubborn as ever."

"I know, I know. I don't think I've been that drunk in a while. What time did River end of leaving?"

"She left about an hour ago." I shoot up in the bed. "What!"

"Calm down Romeo. She slept in my bed."

"What!" I'm out of the bed pulling on my jeans. "How could you?"

"Calm down, I wasn't in the bed with her. I slept on the couch. She got a little drunker than she thought she would and didn't want to drive home. She called her mom and told her that she would be staying over."

I let out the breath that I'd been holding. I know that River is exactly Mackey's type, but I also know he would never do anything that would hurt our friendship.

"Sorry." I say while rubbing my forehead that's still pounding.

"I'm surprised you haven't woken up before now. Your phone's been ringing since five this morning. That's what woke River up." I cringe a little.

"Thanks for letting me stay last night and for letting River stay. I'm going to head out. We have a family barbeque today at my parents. I need to get home and shower. I'm sure my mom will need some help setting up. Feel free to stop by if you're not busy. I might need back up."

"Please tell me you're not bringing psycho."

"I'm not bringing her, but she will be there."

"I'll bring the popcorn. Don't worry River seems like she can handle her own."


I'm freshly showered and just pulled up to my mom's house. It looks like River is already here. I turn the ignition off and pull myself out of my truck. I can already smell the grill going. I walk to the backyard and see my dad throwing on some ribs.

"Hey dad." I greet him as I approach.

"Hey Aug, you're here early."

"Yeah, I came to see if mom needed any help."

"River and Ashley are inside helping her with the sides. You know how your mom is with her sides."

"Yeah." I chuckle with him.

"So, River may have told us that she's your new partner. How's that going?"

"Surprisingly good. It's only been a few weeks, but it's going well."

"Have you all talked?"

"Uh yes dad, you kind of have to do that when you're partners with someone."

"I don't mean about the easy stuff, I'm talking about the hard stuff? About the attack?", he challenges.

"Not yet, she said she wasn't ready." I pause for a minute before I ask my next question. "Did you know she was married?"

My dad chokes on the beer he was getting ready to drink, telling me he didn't know "What?"

"Yeah, her last name is Baxter. Why keep it a secret?" Thinking out loud. After talking to Mackey last night, I started thinking. My dad is looking around. "He doesn't live here. He was in the Army with her. I guess they've never lived together." I answer his question.

"Well, when you both do talk, you're both going to have a lot to talk about. Does she know Melissa's coming today and vice versa?"

"No, I tried to tell her last night, but anytime Melissa comes up she quickly changes the subject."

"Well, I wouldn't waste any more time. You better get in there and warn her before Melissa gets here..." he's cut off by the screeching, "What the fuck!" I can't hear the rest of what is said.

"Oh, shit son, you better get in there and do damage control."

I run up the deck stairs and slide the door open. "Hey Auggie!" Melissa runs to me and jumps in my arms trying to stake claim. She tries to kiss me, but I'm already trying to disengage myself from her. I can tell she's pissed; I don't care. What the fuck is she doing? "What the fuck Melissa?", she's still trying to wrap herself around me.

"This is because of her isn't it." I'm so dumbfounded, I can't put words together. I know I have let her get away with a lot over the years, but she knows how I feel about River. River is going to run again. I'm such a fucking idiot. I close my eyes to brace myself and then I hear giggling erupt and open my eyes and see it's coming from River. I open my eyes and look at her. She's got to be in shock. She turns to me, she's laughing, but I can see the hurt in her eyes. "Psycho", she shakes her head, "I should have fucking known." She starts walking towards the door. My mom and her mom are yelling for her. Melissa is saying something and all I can see is River walking out the door. What if she doesn't come back? I run after her. "Stop River let me explain. Please don't leave, please don't leave me again." I whisper the last part. She stops beside my dad.

"Uncle Eddie we need to make a beer run, we don't have enough fucking beer here for me to deal with that", she points inside the house, "inside the house." She turns back to me. "I'm not running, I'm just going to have to be drunk to get through this. I need a timeout; I need to leave before I say something I'll regret. I know I told you I wanted to wait to talk and that's on me, but this...". She shakes her head; I can see her eyes starting to water. "You should have told me she was going to be here. Take over for your dad, we'll be back later."

Thanks for continuing to read Auggie and River's story. River finally knows who Psycho is. I wonder how Auggie will explain this. 

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