26 - that's not good

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Antonias POV

It was a day like every other.

Camila and I were in her classroom, making out. I was sitting on the desk and she stood in between my legs but then the two of us heard a noise. We quickly looked to the door and just saw someone running away. We couldn't care less since we knew that no one could see us because it was frosted glass so we just continued to make out until the bell rang.

I made my way to the next classroom where Leah, Hailey, Chloe and Anna were already waiting for me. We talked for a bit until the teacher came and the lesson started.

"Your crazy ex girlfriend ran through the hallway in break." Hailey told me.

"What was she wearing?"

"A red shirt." Hailey shrugged her shoulders.

"Fuck." I quietly hissed.


"Okay listen, Cami and I just made out in her classroom until we heard a noise and saw someone running away from the door. The chances are very high that it was Avery." I explained to her.

"That's not good."

"I mean she couldn't saw us since the glasses are frosted but I- That's not good! That's bad!" I hissed and quickly took out my phone to text Camila.

A: 'Hailey told me that Avery ran though the hallway during break. Maybe she was the one who also ran away from your classroom.'

C: 'She couldn't see something, I guess. At least not our faces.'

A: 'Our bodies pressed against each other must be enough for her!'

C: 'Okay calm down. We can't turn back the time. Just hope that she did not see something at all'

I read her message but then put my phone back in my pocket, leaving her on read.

The day went on and I was now sitting in Camilas kitchen. We talked about what we are going to do now because of the Avery problem.

"Everything was so perfect. There were only two months left until your graduation and now we're here, talking about what are we going to do if Avery tells someone what she saw." Camila said.

"We need to just stop thinking about thi-" I told her big she cut me off, "I can't!" She said as tears built up in her eyes.

"Shh baby" I whispered as I hugged her. "Everything is going to be okay."

"What if it isn't? I'm gonna loose my job if she tells anyone!" Cami sobbed.

"She's not gonna tell anyone." I tried to reassure her.

"How'd you know?"

"Because I know Avery. She isn't like that." I responded. "Come on, we're gonna get you some other thoughts..." I continued and grabbed her thighs, lifting her up and walked into the living room, laying her down on the couch.

"I'm not in the mood for sex." She said.

"I wasn't going to fuck you." I chuckled. "Look up a movie or sum and I'm gonna make us some tea." I told her and walked back into the kitchen.

As I came back into the living room, I cuddled up next to her and Camila and I watched a movie.

At some point she fell asleep so I also tried to sleep which succeeded. Hours later, her mom woke up the two of us and when I looked at my phone I saw that it was way past six.

"Thank you for waking us up, Ms. Díaz." I said.

"I already told you to call me Marisol." She smiled.

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