15 - good morning

332 12 1

Antonias POV

I woke up in a bed that wasn't mine.
This bed wasn't even familiar.
I did not know this bed - not yet.

I sat up and looked around to see a brown haired woman laying next to me. It was Camila.
I really thought that this was a dream but it wasn't.
I really spent the night here.
This feels so surreal.

I watched her sleep for a while.
She looked so cute.
Her dark brown hair was beautifully laying around her head and she was occasionally smiling.

After some more time, she opened her eyes.

"Where you staring at me like this the whole time?" She groaned.

"Sorry." I mumbled and backed away.

"Sorry. I'm just a bit grumpy in the mornings." She chuckled. "Plus I'm kinda hangover."

"You need some hangover medicine?" I asked her.

"Mhm." She nodded. "It's downstairs in the kitch-" Cami told me but I cut her off, "You have some water in here?"

She nodded.

"Good." I said and got up to walk to my backpack, getting out some hangover medicine.

"Why do you have this in your backpack?" She chuckled.

"You never know when you need this stuff..." I shrugged my shoulders and handed her the medicine.

"You know what happened last night?" I shyly asked her.

Camila nodded and smiled a bit.

Cami and I talked for a bit longer until we decided to walk downstairs to get breakfast.

Downstairs I could admire her kitchen, dining room and living room.
Her home was so stylish.
It was like those houses you always see on Pinterest. Everything was clean. There were only a few things laying around but also these things seemed to need to be there.
In her home actually were many plants - just how I like it.

Her home was mostly white.
The kitchen was clean white.

In her dining room stood a pretty large wooden table with some flowers on top of it and a big lamp hanging from the ceiling.

In her living room stood a dark blue sofa and on one side stood a plant and on the other one stood a lamp. On the wall was a wooden sideboard with a big tv on top of it.

"My home's mesmerizing, right?" She laughed, making me stop admiring her home.

"It is." I nodded.

"Well it has to be. I mean, all this wasn't that cheap..." Cami chuckled. "Come on, breakfast's ready." She added. So the two of us sat down and started eating.

"Uhm we don't talk about this to others, right?" I asked.

Camila nodded.

"But can I te-" I started but she cut me off, "Mhm. You can talk to Hailey about it. But no one else." She nodded.


"Yeah. I mean you trust her, right?"

I nodded.

"Then tell her." Cami said and continued to eat.

I spent a few more hours at hers until she basically kicked me out since she had some work left to do so I drove off home.

"Where where you?" My dad asked as soon as I walked into the kitchen.

"At Haileys but I texted mom last night and told her that I'm staying over."

"She haven't told me this."

"Mhm" I mumbled, unable to believe him. "Where is she?"

"Grocery shopping."

"And where's Luis?"

"He's with one of his friends but I have no idea which one." He shrugged his shoulders.

"Jordan?" I asked but my dad only looked at me with a questionable face. "The boy with brown hair. He's kind of always wearing a cap."

"Oh yeah. He's with him."

I nodded and walked off into my bedroom.

Why can't dads just remember their kids friends names? It's like I'm talking to someone with alzheimers.


I went upstairs and immediately FaceTimed Hailey.

"Okay so if my mom asks you if I stayed over at yours last night just say yes, okay?"


"Because otherwise I'm in trouble, big trouble."

"What happened last night? Did you hook up with Jenny again?" Hailey asked, rolling her eyes.

"I- well no. Jenny and I met and went to a club but she then met this boy and went to the toilets with h-" I explained but Hailey cut me off, "While she was with you?!"

"Yeah I mean it's fine. We're not together or sum. But I then danced with this woman. I knew that I knew her from somewhere but I just didn't know from where I knew her. We started talking and I then realized that it was Ms. Díaz."

"Wait a second. Our teacher Ms. Díaz?"

"Sí." I proudly said. "I drove her to her home and she was getting sober again so we talked a bit and she told me that she likes me a lot."

"You're kidding." Hailey said, unable to believe me.

"I swear I'm not kidding."

"Okay you took her home, she told you that she likes you a lot and then you two fucked."

"No! We're getting to know each other."

"Wow." She mumbled. "Why isn't Mr. Daniels like this?" Hailey said.

"Okay stop. He's married." I responded.


"Lord." I laughed, making Hailey also laugh.

We continued to talk for a little while until my mom came back from grocery shopping. She called my name for me to help her so I unfortunately had to end the call to go downstairs and actually help her.

"How was your evening, honey?" My mom asked.

"Really nice. Hailey and I ordered some pizza and watched a few movies." I lied.

"Great. Have you eaten lunch already?"

"Nope. But I ate something for breakfast."

"So you're not hungry?" Mom questioned.

I shook my head 'no' and continued to bring the groceries into the house.

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