1 - first day

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Antonia's POV

"Antonia, get up!" My mom said, trying to wake me up.

"Just five more minutes..." I mumbled.

"No. Get up!" She said and took my blanket from me, trying to make it uncomfortable for me.


"You get up and I'm gonna go downstairs to look after dad and Luis." She said before leaving my bedroom.

Luis is my little brother.
He's two years younger than I am - sixteen years old.
He plays football and is very popular.

About me;
I'm obviously gay.
This year I turned eighteen.
And right now I'm about to be late for my first day of school in my last year - very good.

I really am now in senior year - It feels so surreal to me.
This really is my last year at school and after that I'm going on a college or whatever but it'll be my last year here with my friends...
It's kinda sad but I'm also glad to leave all this behind me.

I then stopped thinking about this and quickly got out of bed to get ready for school. I then went downstairs and quickly ate a bit before rushing out of the house.

"Bye!" I shouted.

"Stop!" My dad shouted back. I turned around and went in again. "Take Luis with you." He said.

"Luis! Hurry up!" I shouted and in no time he was standing in front of me. Luis and I quickly drove off to school. In school the two of us went separate ways as we always do.

I went to my locker and since my locker is next to my best friend Haileys locker, I had someone to talk to.

"I missed you so so much!" Hailey shouted as she ran into my direction in my arms and tightly hugged me.

"I also missed you but please-" I told her, trying to get away from her. I just hate hugs but I also love hugs - I'm a bit complicated.

"I know you like it."

"Shut up" I laughed. "Tell me about the holidays. How was Italy?"

"I met this guy and oh my God- He was the best I've ev-" Hailey started but I cut her off, "Okay stop. I actually don't wanna know it anymore." I chuckled.

"How were your holidays?" She asked. "Have you had any hook ups?"

"Mhm." I nodded.

"How was it?"

"It was uhm- I guess it was alright." I shrugged my shoulders.

The rest of our friends: Leah; Ana and Chloe also joined us in the hallway but we couldn't talk that much since the bell rang shortly after the girls came.

Our first class was English and since our new English teacher introduced herself, I could continue to talk to the girls.

The lesson went over and afterwards we had history class. You won't believe how much I hate this class. I just hate it.
After history class there was a short break so Hailey and I decided to walk around in the school. We came across the teachers room and I could take a look inside (just like I always do) and caught the eye of the most beautiful woman I've ever seen.

"Lord. Have you seen her?" I asked Hailey.


"This teacher."

"How does she look like?"

"Pretty face, long brown hair..."

"And? Tell me more." She replied.

"Bro I haven't seen more. But she's fine."

Hailey just rolled her eyes.

"Come on. I need to see her again." I said and pulled Hailey outside so we could walk around the school to look through the windows into the teachers room.

"There she is again." I told Hailey and pointed on the teacher.

"Really? That's Ms. Díaz." She said, shrugging her shoulders as if it was nothing she just told me.

"Ms. Díaz..." I mumbled. "What a beautiful name - just like her."

"Shut up!"

"You know what? We're gonna go to the teachers room and wait for her and then we'll follow her." I said.

Hailey just shook her head.

"That wasn't a question. We're gonna do this. I need to see her again."

"I don't wanna go to the teachers room." She whined and I knew exactly why.
Last year at the graduation, Haileys brother graduated. Obviously Hailey was there and was kinda drunk and then there was her teacher crush and since she was a bit drunk she started flirting with him and then finally, she kissed him. So Hailey was pretty glad that she didn't have to see him the whole summer but now she has to face him again.

"You don't get it." Hailey said, grabbing my hand and stopping me. "I really can't go there."

"You've seen our timetable? We literally have him tomorrow in Chemics so you'll see him anyways."

Hailey sighted.

"You could've just not drank anything..." I shrugged my shoulders.

"Shut up." She hissed.

I shook my head, grabbed her arm and pulled her towards the teachers room.

We waited there for about five minutes until the first teachers started to rush out of the room, walking to their classroom. And a bit later, our geography teacher came so we followed him.

I turned around for the last time and saw Ms. Díaz.
I tried to act normal but I failed.
Hailey turned her head and whispered in my ear, "Calm the fuck down. I literally can hear your heartbeat."

"I can't. You've seen her. She's hot as hell." I whispered back.

"It would be really nice if you could walk a bit faster, Ladies." Mr. Rodriguez said and slightly shook his head.

We nodded but continued to walk slow. I then wanted to walk to the classroom but Hailey grabbed my arm and stopped me from walking.

"Slow down." She said.

"You want me to die?" I gasped. "God she's fine." I muttered as she walked out of my sight.

"Lord. Don't act like she's Jennifer Lopez." Hailey said, obviously mocking me since I had the biggest crush on JLo not so long ago.

"I see, Ms. I kissed my teacher can talk again..." I laughed.

"Shut the fuck up." She rolled her eyes and walked off to our classroom.

We rushed to the classroom since we already were late. As we stepped into the classroom, Mr. Rodriguez said, "How can you two be late? You were directly behind me." He crossed his arms.

"Sorry, Ms. Beck just talked to us." I said and Hailey nodded.

Mr. Rodriguez just shook his head and went on with his lesson.

And soon it was evening and time for bed but my thoughts still were somewhere else - at Ms. Díaz...

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