7 - she's gay?!

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Antonia's POV

Today is the fifth day of having detention with Ms. Díaz which also means that today is Friday which I'm kinda glad about but also sad since I can't see her on the weekends but whatever.

I'm already in the third class today and I haven't seen Hailey yet. I just hope that she's coming today because school is kinda boring without her.

After English class I finally decided to ask Ms. Díaz if Hailey is sick.

"I don't see her here so I guess so."

"I just thought that maybe her mom called in and told you that Hailey is sick." I shrugged my shoulders.

"I don't know anything. I just see that Haileys not here." She said.

I nodded and walked out of the classroom.

"Make sure you're not late for detention." She added.

After school, I went to eat lunch with Sam, Daniel and Leah.

"For how long do you have to go to detention?" Sam asked.

"Just next week." I dryly replied.

"Be glad that you already made it through the first week. And also be glad that you have detention with Ms. Díaz. She's fineeee. Just imagine having detention with Mrs. Robertson." Daniel laughed.

"She really is fine, right?" I smirked.

"I'm straight and everything but I would totally would do her if I had the chance." Leah said.

"Uhhh" The guys laughed. "Good to know." They added.

"Am I now a part of your dirty mind?" She asked the two but they stayed quiet.

"Whatever... I now have a date with Ms. Díaz." I told them and left for detention.

I was a bit too late so Ms. Díaz was already waiting for me inside of the classroom. As I walked in, she checked her phone and shook her head.

"You're late, two minutes late. And that means plus one day of detention."

"What?! You can't do this! I'm only two minutes late!!" I said as the anger built up inside of me. 

"You better be quiet." She said. "Sit down, you know how it works." She added and handed me the paper to write that down.

I wrote a few words but I did not want to write that down today. I simply had no motivation left for this so I thought I'm gonna give it a try and talk to her.

"Ms. Díaz?" I said, gaining her attention. "I just need to ask this. Are you married?" I asked. "I mean, I saw a ring on your finger bu-" I continued, but she cut me off, "No I am not married." She said before going back to scrolling through her phone.

"And do you have a boyfriend... or girlfriend?"

"Neither." Ms. Díaz answered my question without looking up to me.

"That means you're into men or women?"

"Why are you asking me such questions?" Ms. Díaz harshly said, arching her brow. And just because of how she reacted, I just knew she was gay. I just needed to prove it.

"I'm just interested in you, Ms. Díaz." I grinned.

"Then stop being interested in me." She sternly said.

"I wish I could." I mumbled.

"I'd also wish that." Ms. Díaz responded.

"Back to my question. Are you into men or into women?"

"Rather back to you writing that down." She once again arched her brow. I didn't do what she just told me and continued to look at her and waited for her to answer my question.

"Antonia, concentrate on your work and not on me."

The way she said my name was literally music to my ears. It was beautiful. She made my name sound like it was the most beautiful name in the whole entire world.

"I'd rather concentrate on you, Ms. Díaz." I grinned but she only rolled her eyes and slightly shook her head.

"I like women. Are you now satisfied?" Ms. Díaz told me, making me grin. "Why are you grinning?" She asked.

"Am I your type?" I questioned but as soon as those words left my mouth, I regretted them. Why did I ask her this question? Why the hell did I act on my intrusive thoughts?!

Her face turned red and she stayed quiet. This was the first time that she was speechless.

"W-why would you even ask this question?" She stuttered out.

I made this woman - who seems so confident all the time - blush and stutter all together on one day...

"Would you like to answer my question?" I asked and arched a brow, playing her games.

"No I wouldn't." She firmly said as she gained back her confidence. "But you would like to write that down?" Ms. Díaz continued before going back to scrolling through her phone.

I also decided that it's better now if I continue to write that down since I was satisfied with the things she told me.

After detention I quickly drove home and immediately FaceTimed Hailey. I just needed to tell someone what just happened.

"Why the hell are you calling me? You never call me." She groaned as soon as she took the call.

"Bro, you won't believe what just happened." I said.

"You just came home from detention. How interesting." She ironically said.

"She's gay!!" I told her.

"Ms. Díaz?" Hailey questioned.

"Yeah! Plus she's single!!"

You wouldn't believe how excited I was although it really doesn't affect me since she's about ten years older than I am and I know that I don't have any chances with her.

"She's your teacher."


"She is your teacher. You won't have any chances with her." Hailey said. "Besides, you're eighteen and how old is she? Twenty-eight?"

I know that but I'm also pretty good at ignoring facts.

"She is twenty-six but I couldn't care less." I shrugged my shoulders. "And besides, I also asked her if I am her type and she didn't even answer my question."

"And that obviously means that you're her type, of course." Hailey rolled her eyes.

"Anyway. Why the hell didn't you show up for school?"

"Because I'm obviously sick." Hailey responded.

"You ain't sick. You're never sick."

"I wasn't in the mood for school." She confessed.

"You at least could've told me. I also wasn't in the mood for school but at least I showed up."

"But you had a wonderful detention hour." She laughed.

"Shut up." I said, trying to hold my laugh but without success obviously.

Hailey and I continued to talk for about an hour until I decided to start studying for my Maths test next week. I also don't know what the hell got into me since I don't like Maths but whatever. It's probably the fact that my Maths teacher is Ms. Díaz and I really wanna impress her.

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