18 - angi

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Camilas POV

"Good morning students." I greeted them. "Since this is your last year at this school, you're going to have the oral exam in March and the written exam in May." I told the students and also earned a surprised face from a few of them.

Jason asked, "And what do we have to do at the oral exam?"

"That was a perfect transition to my next point." I smiled and handed the class a few papers on which everything about the exam was explained.

I explained the stuff to the class and also told them on which day their exam is going to be.

After class there gladly was a break in which I could sit in the teachers office, listen to music, eat something and be quiet.
It just was this type of day when I did not want to talk to anyone and just listen to my music - today it was Drake.

I was so glad that I wasn't this type of teacher all these students wanna talk to because there are really some students who come to the teachers office and ask their teachers questions which I really found annoying but I gladly wasn't one of them.

The one thing that's kinda annoying is that Antonia; Hailey and also sometimes Sarah look for me in the breaks or they wait for me after school and when she sees me, she suddenly gets her phone out and takes pictures of me. I know that she takes pics of me but I just can't prove it right now.
It's fine.
I mean, I would also wait for me if I'd be them but isn't that hella boring?


The break went on and gladly no one tried to talk to me.

After break I had Maths class with the same students I had English class before. And what I did was explaining to them what they have to do at the Maths exam in May.

The day went over and I was now correcting some test.

As soon as I finished correcting these tests, I called my best friend Angelina and asked her if I could come over - I gladly could come over.

"Hey Ms. Díaz." Angi laughed as she hugged me.

"Hey." I giggled.

We walked into the kitchen and Angi made the two of us some coffee and we sat down outside on the balcony.

"Sooo... tell me about this girl you left the club with." Angelina said.


"Are you leaving Clubs more often with much younger girls?"

"She isn't much younger!" I said and crossed my arms.

"Okay let me guess, this girl is about nineteen? Damn, she could be your student." Angelina said, making me blush a bit. "Camila, don't tell me she is your student."

"First of all this girl's name is Antonia and second of all she's eighteen." I told her.

"That ain't helpin' your situation."

"Okay fine, she is my stundet and?" I shrugged my shoulders.

"And what is going on between you and Antonia?" Angi questioned.

"There nothing going on between me and her. We are just friends. We're just getting to know each other."

"And then? What the hell are you two going to do then?"

"We're going to see what happens..." I said as a smile formed on my face.

"No please. Cami don't tell me that you're crushing on her." Angi arched a brow.

I stayed quiet.

"You're crushing on her?!"

"I-I well, I can't do anything about it. She's just so fine and kind and beautiful a-" I said but she cut me off, "And she is your student. It's illegal."

"I know but what should I do? I can't do anything about it. I know that it's super wrong. It's illegal and whatnot... But I like her, I guess I really like her." I sighted.

"This is bad... But you're just crushing on her right now. Just don't fall in love with her."

"That sounds easier than it is." I mumbled.

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