23 - mornings

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Camilas POV

"Good morning" An angelic voice greeted me as I opened my eyes.

"Morning" I groaned as my eyes flickered open and I was greeted by Antonia smiling at me and making me also smile at her. "How did you sleep?" I asked.

"Better than ever. What about you?" She replied.

"Same here." I chuckled.

Antonia and I stayed a bit longer in bed until we finally decided to get up and quickly get ready before going downstairs and eating breakfast.

"Can I ask you something?" I said, after taking a sip from my coffee.

"Of course." She nodded.

"Why do you have two scars down there?" I asked her. "You don't have to answer this if you don't want to." I added.

"No. It's completely fine. I once had an operation because I had a hernia when I was a baby." Antonia explained.

"Ouh... I just saw it yesterday and wondered what that may be and- But do you feel that scar?"

"It doesn't hurt but it itches sometimes and when I scratch it, it hurts." She answered.

"Mkay" I mumbled and continued to eat.

Afterwards we drove off to school.

"Don't stare too often and too much." I told Antonia.

"Same for you." She smirked at me and put her hand on my thigh, squeezing a bit and rubbing up and down.

"I'm not always staring." I responded.

"Mhm" She mumbled and slid her hand even higher.

"What do you think you're doing?" I asked without even looking at her.

"I don't know what you mean." She shrugged her shoulders.

Antonia's hand went higher until she reached the hem of my trousers and then moved into them.
I slightly spread my legs wider as her hand rubbed over my clit before sliding through my folds, making me moan. But seconds later, she removed her hand, making me whimper at the sudden loss of contact.

"We're here anyways." Antonia smirked as I parked my car.

"You little bitch-" I quietly hissed.

"You like that, don't you?" She grabbed my chin and pulled me in for a kiss.

"Get ouuut" I giggled.

Antonia quickly stole a last kiss from me before hurrying out of my car and minutes later, I also left it.

"Morning Camila" Jenny said, scaring me to death.

"Good morning"

"You're late." She arched a brow.

"Oh you're the one to talk." I chuckled, knowing that Jenny is late nearly every day.

"Mhm" She mumbled. "Did you heard something from mom?"

"The last time I heard something was when she called me on Christmas." I told Jenny. "But I guess she'll call me next month because as you know there's my birthday."

"Mom called me last week." Jennifer said, sounding a bit sad.

"And?" I asked excited.

"Dad is sick."

"Aren't we all a bit sick?" I said, making Jenny only roll her eyes at me. "What do you mean by 'sick' ?" I then asked her.

"Sick as in he is going to die." Jenny told me, making my world stop. "Cami, you heard me?" She asked.

"What? Yeah I heard you."

I should give a shit that he is about to die.
This man treated me like shit!
Why the hell am I having those feelings?!

"Do you have a cigarette?" I asked Jenny.

"Since when do you smoke again?" She responded but handed me a cig and a lighter.

"Since today." I said and quickly lighted the cigarette.

"Stop!" Jenny said and took the cig and the lighter from me.


"No." She said. "You're not going to start smoking again just because of him." Jennifer added.

I sighted.

She was right.
God I hated when others were right.

"What is he diagnosed with?" I quietly asked after some time.


"Why is he going to die?"


"Fuck" I sighted. "How much longer is he going to be here?" I questioned.

"Mom told me that the doctors aren't sure about it. It could be days, weeks or even months."

I was shocked, sad and devastated.
But why?
This man gave a shit about me and now he's about to die. It shouldn't even affect me but it does.
I should give a shit that he is going to die but I don't and that was the problem.

"I'm gonna be late." I said and quickly walked to the classroom.

"Sorry for being late. I had a- I just- Whatever." I said as I was alley into the classroom and saw Antonia looking at me a bit confused. "Let's start the lesson." I continued.

"Isn't that your hoodie?"

"I guess I forgot it yesterday after we-" I got cut off by Hailey, "Stop!"

"I wanted to say after we had some quality time."

"Mhm I know what you wanted to say."

The lesson somehow came to an end and all the students quickly left except Antonia.

"Are you okay?" She asked me.

I kept quiet but handed her the keys to lock the door. She locked the door and before she could turn around again I said, "My father is going to die." Antonia quickly turned around and walked to me, hugging me tightly, making me start sobbing.

I hated to cry in front of others but this time I didn't care. I let myself fall, fall into her embrace and just cried.

"Shh baby. Everything's gonna be fine." Antonia tried to calm me down and finally succeeded after some time.

"What if it isn't going to be fine again." I sobbed.

"It will be fine again."

The two of us stayed like this until the bell rang and I broke the moment, "The bell. You need to leave for next class."

"I don't wanna leave you alone right now."

"Y-you can't miss History." I chuckled.

"If you'd knew how much hours of school I've already missed this year..." Antonia mumbled.

"You what?!"

"Shhh baby." She said and pulled me into her embrace again.

I couldn't just let her stay here so I said, "Toni, you really need to leave for History now."

"Can I really leave you alone?" She questioned.

I nodded.

"But I don't wanna leave." Antonia whined.

"Mhm" I hummed before leaning in for a kiss. "I'll see you later." I said.


"Yes." I responded and handed her the keys to unlock the door.

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