17 - talk

267 8 3

Antonias POV

"I'm gonna leave now." I said as I walked down the stairs.

"Where are you going?" Luis asked me.

"Where's mom?" I asked.

"Outside. But where are you going?"

"Haileys." I lied since I was going to Camila's but I obviously can't tell him that.

"You could take me with you."

"You wanna hang out with me and Hailey?" I chuckled.

He rolled his eyes, "Of course not but Jordan lives not far away from Hailey so maybe you could drive me to Jordan's and then drive to Hailey's."

"Uhm lemme think... no." I said and left to say goodbye to my mom who was sitting outside on the veranda.

"About what we're you and Luis talking about?" She asked me.

"Just some brother and sister stuff." I shrugged my shoulders. "But I'm gonna leave now."

"When are you coming back?" She questioned.

"I don't know yet but I'm gonna text you later." I said.

Mom nodded, "Love you, bye."

"Love you too." I replied and quickly walked off to my car before Luis could come and tell mom that I won't take him to Jordan's.

As I arrived at Camilas, I rang the bell and she quickly opened it, hugging me right.

"Hey." We said in an unison, making us both giggle.

We walked into the kitchen and Cami handed me something to drink before walking outside and sitting down on the terrace.

"How was your day so far?" I questioned.

"Hella boring. But I corrected all the tests so it really was good that I forced myself to do this instead of doing something more fun." She explained.

"Which tests?"

"The English tests."

I knew that Cami is not allowed to tell me how my test was but I thought just gonna try it.

"You know that I'm not allowed to tell you." She answered

"Please." I begged

"Nah. But you can tell me something about you instead." Cami suggested.

"And what do you wanna know?"

"Literally everything." Camila grinned.

"Okay so uhmm... Tell me what do you wanna know and I tell you."

"Okay let's see... I already know your favorite color so do you have any siblings? How did your parents react in you being gay?"

"What's my favorite color then?" I questioned.

"Sage green and dark green." She answered. "And what's mine?"

"Sage green and dark green." I said, making the two of us burst out into laughter.

"I have a little brother, Luis , he's sixteen and annoying as hell. About me being gay, I guess my mom always knew that I'm gay. I told my parents when I was about fourteen years old. My father was kinda shocked and also mad but my mom- my mom accepted it ever since then. My father was acting like this for about one and a half weeks but he gladly started accepting it." I explained to her. "And now about you." I added.

"I have two sisters. One is older her name is Lynda, she's 27 and the other one's younger, her name's Jennifer, she's 18. I think you know her. She's in the same year as you. " Cami told me but I completely zoomed out after she told me.

This couldn't be the Jenny I've been fucking with occasionally, could she?

"Are you still listening?" She questioned.

I nodded.

"And what about you coming out?" I asked her.

"I normally don't like talking about it-" Cami said but I cut her off, "Hey, you don't have to tell me it you don't want to." I told her and took her hand in mine.

"It's fine. I told them that I'm gay when I was eighteen. They kicked me out and I had to live with friends for a little while until I started college. Well, my dad kicked me out. He was raised uhm- very different and thinks that there are only relationships between men and women so he did not like that I am gay. My mom was raised different than my father so she couldn't care less if I love men or women. Then my sister Jenny came out as bisexual two years ago and my father also kicked her out. She now is eighteen years old but she lives alone ever since our dad kicked her out. I told her that she could move in with me but she didn't want that." Camila told me.

"Oh okay... That's... wow..." I literally was too stunned to speak. "But uhm do you still talk to your mom?" I asked her.

"I just talk to my mom but not that often since my father doesn't want her to."

"That's fucked up." I mumbled.

Cami nodded.

"I'm so sorry for you."

"Don't be. I'm over that. He may be my father but I have no other feelings for him."

Camila and I stayed quiet for little while until she said, "Okay come with me."

Cami took my hand and led me to her car. She opened the door for me and I hopped in before she went over to the driving seat, hopping in and starting to drive.

"Where are we going?" I questioned.

"You'll see." She smirked at me.

We drove for about half an hour until we arrived at a lonely lake.

"You wanna kill me here?" I giggled.

"Let's see." She said with a serious expression, making me stop giggling. "It was a joke." Camila added.

"I know but your expressions kinda scared me." I laughed.

"Shut up."

The two of us left the car before walking over to the small beach and sitting down into the sand.

Cami and I talked for what felt like forever - it was about an hour.
I just love talking to her.
It feels like I've known her for years.
I can talk to her about whatever I want and she would never judge me or sum.
I just feel safe and comfortable around her.
It's a feeling l've had with no one so far.
I love this feeling, I could get used to it.

But then my phone rang and broke the beautiful moment Camila and I just had.

"Sorry. It's my mom." I told her and took the call

"Antonia, where are you?!"

"I'm with Hailey. Why are you asking?"

"Because it's 9:30 and tomorrow is school." My mom said.

I sighted.

"I'll be home by 10:30." I responded

"You better be on time."

"See you later."

"Bye." She said and ended the call.

"We better drive back. Your mom seemed mad." Cami said and got up.

"I guess that's better." I agreed and also got up.

We drove back to Cami's home and hugged tightly before I got into my car and drove off.

Back at home I got into an argument with my mom because I was home too late and whatever. After that I went upstairs and got ready for bed but before sleeping, I texted Hailey and thanked her for always having her back. Afterwards I texted Cami and told her goodnight.
And moments later I drifted off to sleep.

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