5 - a new teacher

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Antonia's POV

It's been two months since Mrs. Jones told us that she's pregnant and that Ms. Díaz is going to be our new English and Maths teacher and today is the day the first day of Ms. Díaz being our new teacher.

And the lesson starts in exact five minutes.

"Are you nervous?" Hailey asked me, tearing me out of my thoughts.

"Nervous is an understatement." I whispered back.

"That's what I wanted to hear." She laughed but soon enough was stopped by Chloe, asking her what she meant with that.

"Uhm nothing. It's just a thing between us. You wouldn't understand." Hailey quickly answered.

"Hmm..." Chloe mumbled, definitely not believing her.

A few minutes later, Ms. Díaz walked into the classroom. A wonderful (well, expensive) scent greeted me as she walked past us. We all went in the classroom and sat down.

"Good morning guys! I think some of you already know me and I already know some of you but for the ones who don't know me yet; My name is Ms. Díaz and I'm going to be your English and Maths teacher for your last year. If you have any questions regarding your grades, just ask me after class." She told us. "Any questions yet?" Ms. Díaz asked.

Nobody said something so she started the lesson.

"Only seven months to go." Hailey said as we left the classroom.

"You won't believe how exhausting that just was."

"Could you get a bit more specific?"

"I had to take care of not being too obvious and not staring at her for too long." I told her.

"Then these seven months are going to be hell for you." She laughed.


But I knew that she was right.
These seven months are going to be long - very long.

And I also knew how this is going to go on with me crushing on Ms. Díaz:
It starts with a simple crush: I'm gonna see her in the halls and in the lessons - not more and not less.
Then I'm starting to get obsessed with her - at first a little lighter then it gets heavier: I'm starting to look for her Instagram account and start spending the breaks in front of the teachers room with the hope to see her when she's coming out of it.
And last but not least: I'm starting to hope that she's gay, not married to anyone and also into me.
And guess what?
Most of the women I'm crushing on are straight, married and already have children.

Great, isn't it?

I still hope she's gay...

After school, Hailey and I decided to talk for a little while also Sarah came with us which was kinda new for her since she never was with us.

I also was friends with her a few years ago but we somehow stopped being friends and I don't even know why. But now we're here, sitting all together on a table, talking about the weirdest stuff.

"Have you seen him today?" Sarah whispered to Hailey but of course not quiet enough for me to not hear.

Hailey shook her head 'no'.

"Seen who?" I asked them.

"Uh nothing." The two quickly said in an unison.

I didn't let them get away with this so I pleaded and begged for them to tell me but they didn't tell me - they were stubborn. So I finally left the two alone with it... for now.

Hailey, Sarah and I decided to talk for a bit more until Sarah's mom called and told her to quickly come home. So she actually did what her mom told her.

And although Sarah had to leave, Hailey and I continued to talk for a few more minutes until my bus came and I also had to leave.

Later that day, I actually studied for the upcoming maths test. I had no motivation left since the day was pretty exhausting so I ended up doing everything but studying. And as if Hailey could read minds, she FaceTimed me. - thank god.

"Hi gay!" She laughed.

"Ew" I laughed. "Why are you calling me?"

"Because I was just studying Maths and I had no motivation left and I thought you probably feel the same so I thought I'm gonna call you." She told me.

"Your intuition was right." I smiled.

We talked for a bit until I decided to ask her about what she was talking about with Sarah earlier.

"I don't know if I should tell you." Hailey mumbled.

"Please tell me."

"Man I don't know..."

"Tell me who the hell you're talking about." I commanded but Hailey only rolled her eyes. "Please." I begged.

"Fine. Sarah is crushing on Mr. John." She finally gave in.

"Mr. John as in our PE teacher Mr. John?" I asked her, unable to believe her.

"Mhm. Did you thought the two of us were the only one with a crush on a teacher?" She questioned.

"Of course not but I never thought someone can have a crush on Mr. John." I responded.


"Because he's so ugh- He's loud, thinks he's the best at everything a-" I said but Hailey somehow cut me off, "Okay I get it." She said. "But Ms. Díaz is better?" She asked.

"You gotta be kidding." I replied. "Ms. Díaz is just- she's smart, beautiful, funny an-" And Hailey cut me off again, "And you wanna fuck her."

"I- just shut up."

Hailey just let out a laugh as my cheeks slightly turned red...

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