3 - tattoos and piercings

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Antonia's POV

"I'm sorry, I'm not coming to school today." Hailey told me over the phone.

"Oh you are coming to school. Believe me."

"I can't. We're having Mr. Beck today. I don't wanna see him."

"Please Hailey, we'll also have Ms. Díaz later and I can't do this alone." I pleaded.

"Fine..." She finally gave in.

I hate those calls in the morning...
Why the hell is she always telling me that she's not coming to school but in the end she's still coming?!
God she's so annoying... but I love her anyways.

"Thank you Hailey for deciding to show up for my class..." Mrs. Robertson said to Hailey as she showed up fifteen minutes too late.

"I'm sorry. I slept in." Hailey responded.

"Detention for one week." Mrs. Robertson demanded.

Hailey nodded and sat down on a chair next to me.

"This is all because of you, bitch."

"Of course... It definitely is my fault that you're late." I shook my head.

"No but it's your fault that I'm here."

"Just shu-" I said but got cut off by Mrs. Robertson, "I'd like to go on with my lesson." She said with a stern voice.

Mrs. Robertsons lesson went on and on and on and it was totally boring plus it seemed like this hour isn't going to be over soon.

After some time it was over and we finally could leave for break.

In break, Leah had to ask our Biology teacher Mr. Henderson something about the upcoming test so Ana, Chloe, Hailey and I decided to come with them to have an excuse to go to the teachers room.

They actually asked him something but I couldn't concentrate on his answer because I saw Ms. Díaz coming out of the teachers room, walking past me. And I couldn't believe what I just saw... Ms. Díaz had her nose pierced with a gold ring through it.
I never though that she'd have a piercing...

I quickly looked over to Hailey who was just grinning at me.

I watched Ms. Díaz walking away and also saw that she was a few tattoos in her arms.

'Oh my God.' I mouthed to Hailey before scooting over to her.

"Have you seen this? She has her nose pierced and her arms are tatted." I whispered so that no one could hear it.

"Mhm..." Hailey nodded. "Look at you, you two are perfect for each other. I mean, you two have the same thing pierced." She ironically said.

"You're so funny..." I rolled my eyes.

"Maybe she also has some other parts of her body pierced." Hailey said.

"Well, it's time to find out." I grinned.

"Find out what?" Chloe asked.

"Nothing." I quickly said and she only responded with giving me a side eye.

"Can we go or do you two wanna stay here, stalking the teachers?" Ana asked Hailey and me.

"Let us just go." Hailey responded.

In break Sam; Daniel; Chloe; Hailey and I went to McDonalds for lunch.
We then had music lesson with Mr. John. I don't know why but I don't like him. He's kinda weird. He has that big dick energy but not that good big dick energy, he has that bad big dick energy.
I just don't like him.

After music lesson, Hailey sadly went home since she wasn't feeling very good so only me; Ana; Leah and Chloe were left. We walked to the water dispenser when I spotted Ms. Díaz. I was very brave that day so I decided to take pictures which didn't succeeded since she suddenly was standing in front of me, waiting for me to move.

"Sorry" I said, smiling politely before scooting over for her to walk past me and she just smiled back at me but said nothing.
The girls filled their bottles at the water dispenser so I took the chance to tell Hailey about what just happened but of course she didn't text back that quick so I had to wait until after PE.

"You walked into her?!" Hailey screamed through the phone.

"I nearly walked into her." I corrected her.


"Nothing. I excused myself and smiled politely but she just smiled back at me and said nothing." I shrugged my shoulders.

Why didn't she say something? She could've said something like 'doesn't matter.' but no, she just smiled at me.

"But she now remembers you as the girl who steadily walks into her." Hailey chuckled.

"Please shut up. That's not funny. She probably thinks I'm following her around and doing this on purpose."

"Are you?" She questioned.

"I- well, I am following her, yes. But I'm not bumping into her on purpose."

"You know that this is not good. You're gonna make yourself dependent from her - when she's there you're happy and when she's not there you're sad." Hailey said.

"Yeah? And what should I do?" I asked.

"Stop following her." Hailey responded.

"You know what? I don't care if I'm gonna make myself dependent from her."

"Antonia, it's gonna be over in nine months anyway. Are you really going to follow her the whole time?"

I know that this sounds creepy but what should I do? I can't just stop following her. It's not possible.


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