That's it I can't take this anymore.  He does this to me every time.

'You are not weak my child. You can do wonders and change this world', I hear the voice of my mom in my head.

I get up but of wave pain shoots through me and I fall back down. My fathers stares at me. Then steps on my stomach.

"You thought you can overpower me. Well you can't", he yells and spits in my face.

I push his leg off me and  scream," Yes I can and I will".

I through an object at him. I don't know what it was. I'm just throwing the nearest objects at him randomly around the house. He crys out in pain.

I scream,"Why are you like this. I just want to know why. You're suppose to be my father. To me you were a loving caring father. Now you're just a sperm donor to me. Nothing but a sperm donor. I know that day if I hadn't called her to pick me up and whine to her she would still be alive. The rouges wouldnt have....they wouldn't have-".

My sperm donor/so of a called father trys to get up but I ended up throwing something at him again.

"I just want to know why. Why. Why!?", I scream over and over. My sperm donor soon gets up and just leaves. I hear him grunting in pain as the front door opens then closes. It will heal soon and so will I. Then I start to hear the engine of his car roar to life and I hear it speed away. After that I let blackness take me. Still wondering of my why questions.

A/n:This is suppose to be a long chapter so in this book its a 2 day thing.

~Layla's Pov~
I open my eyes slightly coming to a bright light. I close my eyes quickly again. I start to hear voices.

" She's alive", voice 1 says laughing.

"You know she's hard core steal. Tuff as a rock", voice 2 says. Pretty soon the voices were getting more clearer. Voice 1 was Josh and Voice 2 was Janey.

I open my eye and adjust them and I see Janey sitting on the side of my bed in a chair holding baby James. Josh was standing in the front of my bed looking at me.

" How do you feel", Josh asks.

I think about my answer for a moment than say,"Good. Just a little-".  I was cut off by Hunter rushing in. He duns over to me but I stop him.

"Thank you for saving me", I say to hunter. He nods his head. And then one big thing pops in my head.

" Where is my children", I ask. Because I know I left them with Leo and Liam but still.

Hunter growls, "Who are they?"

"Seriously Hunter. You have no right to growl. And don't you remember their my long lost brothers", I say frustrated. I mean how can he forget he came to my house with that, that Katie. As you can see I stopped calling her a slut, how, bitch, should I go on.

" I remember", hunter grunts out. He comes near me and was about to kiss me on the forehead but I growled for him to stop.

"Don't", I say.

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