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Chapter 12: Turmoil

Xu Jinjin didn't bother to pay attention to him, and directly raised the price to the market price of the corresponding flowers on the second day of opening the store, and the flowers containing spiritual factors were also different from those that did not. No customers came, maintaining a relatively stable increase, and the daily turnover also reached 10,<>.

Anyway, there will be no loss.

And although there are not many flowers in the sunshine flower shop, they can win in sufficient supply, and even Wang Fan, the owner of the Star Flower Shop, is also puzzled, and it is even more painful. This week's price war made him lose almost two or three hundred thousand. His guests are quite good at tuning, and they all choose spiritual flowers.

He looked at the sparse guests on the opposite side with a black face, and every time he came out, those guests held a bouquet of flowers in their hands.

The salesman in the store was so frightened by his fierce staring at the opposite side that he couldn't help but muttered in his heart. I won't start punting people again.

"Look what, no more work?" Wang Fan said.

The salesperson immediately pretended to be busy.

Wang Fan snorted, shouting in his heart that he was dying, losing and dying, and the salesmen in the store all day were affected by his gloomy face, and none of them were just lazy.

Wang Fan walked around the Star Flower Shop, commanding and directing, but his heart was still uncomfortable. His eyes always turned to the sunshine flower shop on the opposite side where customers came from time to time, sour no, he estimated it like that, even if all converted into ordinary gem flowers immortal flowers, this turnover was almost fifty or sixty thousand.

"No, I have to go over and see, she's a little girl who isn't even a junior spirit planter, where can she get so many flowers." Wang Fan said in his heart.

There are already other ideas in mind.


Xu Jinjin was visiting the budding forum to see if she could make a fortune, and suddenly saw a middle-aged man's gloomy face printed on the snowy glass door outside the store, as if the scene in a ghost story could scare her a little.

Soon came back to his senses and found that this middle-aged man was the owner of the Star Flower Shop next door.

Xu Jinjin turned off the terminal light brain, walked over with a smile, and opened the door, "Boss Wang also came to visit the flower shop, come in and see, you can see more clearly inside."

She smiled and showed her white teeth like pearl rice, it was this smile that fell in Wang Fan's eyes that was particularly piercing, and it was a little provocative.

"No need, what's so beautiful." Wang Fan squinted his eyes and swept contemptuously over the decorations in the flower shop like a sea of flowers, but those eyes could not hide a trace of jealousy.

Roses, jasmine, narcissus, tulips, sunflowers, bluegrass, freesia and other flowers compete with each other, and even if the full spiritual factor is isolated by the bouquet, it is still rich and happy in the sunshine flower shop, and you can't live here.

"You planted these?"

He questioned with a skeptical snarky tone, listening to Xu Jinjin frown, she raised her eyebrows, "Of course I planted it."

Wang Fan coldly scanned the price tag on the bouquet, and just smiled at her before leaving, and the fox-like smile was not malicious at first glance.

Xu Jinjin leaned on the side, picked up the kettle and watered the flowers, anyway, he saw the trick.

✓ I rely on planting flowers to become popular interstellarDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora