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I carefully make my way down the hall, checking for Tsukasa around every corner.

I creep out of the drama room before dashing across the school garden. I run over to the old building and take the steps 2 at a time, launching myself from floor to floor until I finally skid to a stop on the 3rd.

I stare down the deserted hallway and watch the slightly swinging sign above the girls bathroom.

I hesitate.

What if this is the wrong choice?

What if I'm joining the wrong side?

What if I'm trusted the wrong team?

I shake my head and push down these thoughts. I've made my choice and I'll stick with it.

I take a deep breath and take small steps towards the bathroom. I reach out for the door before I hear a voice.

"Don't do it~"

I gasp and quickly spin around, my back pressed to the door as I take deep, shaky breaths as my eyes dart around the dimly lit hallway.

The same, eerie voice echoes through the hall again "Are you sure this is the right choice?"

I watch with wide eyes as a figure steps out from the darkness.

"Tsukasa" I mumble, swallowing my fear "What do you want this time?" I say, forcing the words out from my trembling lips.

Tsukasa lets out a laugh. It's a cold laugh, one you'd hear from a killer.

A killer like him.

"Oh Y/N, how could you speak so harshly to me!" He says with that huge, psychotic grin "I simply came to make sure this is the choice you wanted to make! You see, once you make this discission" He pauses to take a few more steps closer to me, I feel the air grow cold around me "You can't go back" He finishes in a sing-song voice.

The way he speaks seems as if he knows what I'm thinking, he knows my moves, and he knows I've figured out the truth.

"You killed me... didn't you?" I ask through gritted teeth. He lets out another ice-cold laugh.

"I wouldn't say I killed you! I'd more call it... erasing your memories!" He says with a smile. I bite my tongue to stop me from lashing out. Just because I'm in front of the bathroom, doesn't mean Amane will be in there. I'm not safe from Tsukasa, I'm merely evading a fight.

I glare at him "Why? What was the point?" I say slowly. He looks confused "Why?" He pauses, pressing his index finger to his chin in thought. "Well, I grant wishes for the dead and collect a payment I see fit. You wished for your rumour to continue spreading so you didn't disappear. The payment was your memory. It's really quite simple"

I'm shocked. I'm the reason he did this to me? Does that mean everything that happened to me is... my fault?

The pain I caused myself...

The pain I would have caused my friends...

I have so many new questions. But they aren't question for Tsukasa, they're questions for myself.

Why did I resort to Tsukasa?

Did I know how dangerous he was?

Was I happy?

Did I have many friends?


Did I love anyone?

I dragged back to reality when I hear Tsukasa chuckle. I notice a tear rolling down my cheek and quickly wipe it away. "Aww, you're crying!" Tsukasa teases, dragging out the last word.

I can't do this. I can't stand here in front of the man who stole my memories from me. What if I hurt someone I cared about? What if I pushed them away?

"Tsukasa... I want my memories back..." I mutter, holding back tears. Tsukasa smiles "Oh, I can't do that! That's something you have to do yourself!" He says, giggling softly as he watches me struggle.

"Leave... now... I've made my choice"

"Hm... ok then... don't say I didn't warn you~" He sings before disappearing in a cloud of black smoke.

I let out a breath of relief and turn around, pushing open the bathroom door.

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