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It's been a week and I'm still avoiding everyone. I just need time. I'm gonna die forever, I need some time to process that.

I had to figure out how to lock the door to the drama room and prevent the other supernatural's from entering the Drama room because they just won't leave me alone.

I'm sitting backstage on an old bed we would use in some scenes during shows. My legs pressed up against my chest with my arms holding them in place while my head rests on my legs. My soft sobs eco throughout the room.

I think about the time I've spent at Kamome. My shows, my friends, my death, my life as a wonder, the scripts I wrote, the friends I made, the challenges I faced and so much more. It ends up bringing a smile to my face.

Then I think of Amane.

I think of all the time we spent together, how he taught me that its ok to rely on people, how to trust people.

But most of all

He taught me what it's like to be in love, to want someone and love everything about them.

I break into another fit of sibs at the thought of ever seeing him again.

I hear a whooshing sound but refuse to pay attention to it. It's only when I hear a low chuckle that my breath hitches in my throat and my eyes widen.

"Well, well, well! What's wrong Y/N?" A sadistic voice chuckles.

I look up and gasp before quickly whipping my tears.

Tsukasa stands at the end of the bed, arms behind his back while he flashes me a toothy grin.

"N-nothing" I attempt to say, but my voice comes out in a croaky whisper, hoarse due to all the crying.

Tsukasa lets out another small laugh.

"C'mon Y/N, don't lie to me!" He pouts in a childlike voice.

I take a deep breath and sigh.

"It's just my rumor. It's starting to die out and now I'm gonna disappear soon..." I mumble, showing off my arm which has now disappeared up to my elbow.

He looks at it before putting a finger to his chin and hums in thought.

"I can help you!" He cheers, making his way around the bed and closer to me as I inch my way back until my back hits the bed head.

He puts an arm beside my bed, trapping me in place. "Mhm, all you have to do is make a wish" He grins.

"But... That's what Amane does? Why don't I just ask him...?" I ask skeptically, trying to prolong any plan he may be hatching.

He laughs "You see, Y/N, me and Amane have very similar jobs. While Amane grants wishes for the living... I grant them for the dead" He says, eyes sparkling.

I look at him confused "And you'd do that... for me...? Why?" I ask slowly.

He scoffs "Well I wouldn't be doing it without some sort of catch!" He exclaims "That catch being...?" I say, urging him to continue, my curiosity starting to get the best of me.

"Well, you see. I'll grant your wish, no payment needed. However, I get to decide how its granted. Kinda like you with your scripts!" He explains.

"I'll... I'll think about it" I whisper, just wanted to get him out.

He chuckles before saying goodbye and vanishing with a wave in a puff of smoke, leaving me with my thoughts.

I sit there for a few minutes, thinking about what just happened before looking at my arm, my shoulder now being the only visible aspect of it.

I sigh.

I know what I have to do.

Chisana-san of the drama roomWhere stories live. Discover now