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Yes, I did put a quote from the first chapter in here. I think you should be able to tell what it is by what's said before and after it :)

Also, in this chapter, it may give off the message that I am against standing up for yourself, I am not against that and instead encourage you all to stand up for yourselves, I just don't encourage hurting others in any way to stand up for yourself

I think something not very good came out when I was writing this chapter cause... its kinda sadistic now that I'm re-reading it-

'Ostende mihi mysteria tua, memoriam et omnia' Latin for 'Show me your secrets, memories and all'

'Ostende mihi viritatem tuam' Latin for 'Show me your truth'



I'm sitting in my Drama room, waiting for... something... to happen. Everything is so boring! Nothing has happened and it's been almost an entire day! I mean, I get people can only summon me at 4:30 but still.

I'm sitting around on this random ass light beam, fiddling with the single knife Tsukasa-Sama gave me to start off with. Y'know... cause I haven't got any yet.

I hold the hilt of the knife and swing it up and down, watching ads the light shines of the sharp blade and dances across the empty room.

I hear the door open and jump, almost falling off the beam. I look down to see a short boy wearing a black jumper with the hood up, a tuft of brown hair sticking out. I watch as he shyly walks up to the stage, twiddling his finger.

I feel excitement begin to bubble up inside of me as he climbs up onto the stage and slowly draws a knife from his jumper pocket. I see him gulp before squeezing his eyes shut and quickly bringing the knife down onto his pointer finger, drawing it across and drawing a few drops of blood. He hisses slightly in pain and crouches down, placing the knife in the middle of the stage before holding his finger above it, allowing a few drops of blood to fall onto the shining blade.

He steps back.

"C-Chisana-San, s-show yourself to me please" He whispers just loud enough for me to hear. He clasps his hands together and opens closes his eyes tightly once again.

I jump down from the beam "Hello there~" I say in a sing-song voice. I don't know why but it just feels right... natural, like I've done this before.

The boy jumps and opens his eyes.

I crouch down and pick up the slightly bloodied knife, holding it carefully and examining the quality. It looks pretty good. The hilts a bit worn and the tips a little blunt but apart from that it seems to be in pretty good quality. I nod approvingly at it before looking up to the boy with a grin.

"Well, hello there... I'm Chisana-San, as I'm sure you already know! Because you've summoned me, I find it necessary that I must grant you a wish." I smile "So tell me... What could that be?" I ask curiously, tilting my head to the side slightly.

"I-I wish for people to stop being mean to me and start being nice!" The boy yells, balling his hands into fists and bringing them up to his chest with a determined look in his eyes. I can't help but laugh a little at it.

"Hm, ok, and do you think you are worthy of this wish?" I ask teasingly. The boy before me nods quickly "Y-yes Chisana-San! I-I think I'm worthy!" He cries. I giggle and lift my hand, slowly bringing it up to his face.

"Well, I'll be the judge of that" I say in a creepy whisper like way, I swear I see the boy shiver slightly from it.

I press my pointer finger to his forehead and close my eyes before muttering "Ostende mihi mysteria tua, memoriam et omnia"

I open my eyes and slowly pull my finger away from the boy's forehead, watching intently as a light blue mist with white spots flows from his head to my fingertip. I bring my finger close to my lips and wait for the light blue mist to swirl around my fingers, no longer connected to the boy's head before mumbling "Ostende mihi viritatem tuam"

With that, I throw the mist behind me and turn to face it as it swirls, slowly becoming a portal. I don't know how I know how to do this but apparently, I do, must be because of the rumor.

I look back at the boy "Well, come on. I'm not a very patient apparition" I smirk, walking into the portal as the boy races after me, a concerned look on his face.

After we both enter through the portal, we find ourselves in the hallway of the school, looking on as the boy is opening his locker. "Hey! That's me!" The boy shouts, pointing at himself. He runs towards himself and waves his hand in front of his past self's face. "He can't see you. Right now, we are looking into your memories from a third person perspective. This is how I will determine whether you are worthy of your wish or not" I giggle, watching a look of terror spread across the boy's face.

"T-that won't be necessary! I-I promise I am worthy of my wish!" He pleads, guilty sweat beginning to bead on his forehead. "Now, if you really where worthy of your wish, I'm sure there would be nothing wrong with me checking!" I say, turning my attention back to the scene before me.

A girl approaches the boy from behind and slams his locker shut. The boy jumps and turns around to face the girl. "Well, well, look what the cat dragged in" She laughs "What do you want Hiroko-Chan?" The boy asks in a bored tone. "Did you do my homework like I asked?" The girl sneers "Why don't you stop being a lazy prick and do your own damn homework!" The boy yells before punching the girl in the face, causing her to fall to the floor, clutching her nose in pain.

The vision fades and we're taken to another place, this time in a classroom.

The boy is sitting down in his seat, taking notes as the teacher speaks. I look around and see a boy this time. I watch as he rips a piece of paper from his book and scrunches it up into a small ball before hurling it at the other boy's head. It lands on its target before falling to the ground.

"Ch-Chisana-San! I-I think you've seen enough! C-could you hurry up and grant my wish now please!?" The boy beside me shouts as he tries to cover my eyes. I wave my hand and render him immobile before continuing to watch the scene unfold.

The boy looks around him and his eyes eventually fall to the paper ball lying on the floor before drifting up and landing on the thrower. His eyes flash and he lets out a growl before jumping out of his seat, running over to the boy and frantically stabbing him with his pencil.

The scene changes a few more times before we finally find ourselves back on the stage. I wave my hand again and the boy falls to his knees. "Ch-Chisana-San it wasn't what it looked like! I do deserve my wish! I promise!!" He begs, bringing his hands together in front of him. I hold my hand out in front of him, motioning for him to be quiet. He obliges.

"As I believe I said before, I am the one who decides whether you are worthy of your wish." The boy's eyes widen.

"And from what I've seen..." The boy squeezes his eyes shut in a silent prayer.

"You are not worthy" The boy grimaces at my harsh tone. It brings a sadistic smirk to my face. "Now, I'm feeling generous, do you want a slow but painless death or a quick but painful death?" I ask, batting my eyelids. The boy sits and contemplates for a second before answering "Quick but painful..." He mumbles. I smile. "Sorry, what was that? Slow but painful? Ok!" I cheer, watching as the boy's face quickly changes into one of pure fear and horror.

(If you are sensitive to gore, please skip this section)

With that, I raise my arms above my head with a laugh as many knives begin to appear behind me. With one last laugh and the boys scream, I start throwing them at him one by one, slowly puncturing every nerve yet still expertly avoiding every organ.

His hands, arms, legs, feet, and specific parts of his torso become covered in knives and blood, creating a perfect outline of where each organ lies.

I watch as the boy before me writhes in pain and agony. I walk up to the boy, one are behind my back, and cup his chin in one hand, bringing it up to face me. "I hope you understand that you weren't worthy of your wish now" I whisper before bringing my arm out from behind my back, revealing my sharpest knife and drive it into his heart with all my might, twisting it from side to side whilst it is still embedded in his chest, making him scream in even more pain.

After a few seconds, he falls to the ground, lifeless.

Chisana-san of the drama roomWhere stories live. Discover now