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I run as fast as I can all the way back to the drama room, taking quick glances behind me every now and again.

I finally get back to my drama room and slam the door closed behind me, sinking down to the floor with my head in my hands, mumbling curses to anyone who crosses my mind.

"Stupid blondie! Why did you have to make me let my guard down?!"

"Amane or Hanako or whatever! You just had to come up and stab Mitsuba, didn't you?! You inconsiderate asshole!"

"Tsukasa-Sama! Why did you have to put Mitsuba through so much pain?!"

"Mitsuba! Why did you trust him?!"

"Y/N! Why do you trust him?!"

Wait a minute... Did I seriously just ask myself why I trust Tsukasa-Sama?? He literally saved my life!


But if he saved my life...

Why would he kill Mitsuba...?

I throw my head back against the door in a flurry of emotions. Anger, fear, confusion and disappointment all sweep through me like a tidal wave, clouding my mind and thoughts. I slam my fist against the floor and pull out a knife, throwing it with all my might to the other end of the room, securely embedding it into the wall.

It helps relieve a little bit of the tension. I smile and summon as many knifes as I can and place them on the ground in a pile next to me.

Once everything is in place, I immediately start grabbing the knifes and hurling them at the wall, feeling all my emotions slowly begin to fade away.

I don't know how long I was throwing knifes at the wall but I eventually realize I've run out when I can no longer feel the smooth texture of the hilt on my fingertips when I go to grab one.

I groan and look up at the wall that is now covered in knifes.

I tilt my head to the side slightly as I begin to notice how my knifes seem to draw a picture. I take a few steps closer, slowly making my way up onto the stage to take a closer look.

It looks like a heart.... And there's someone inside it... Tsukasa-Sama?


Its not Tsukasa-Sama...

Its his brother...

Hanako? Why the hell is HE in the heart? Y'know what, hold on a minute, let's start from the start. First, I'm super mad and throwing knives at a wall. Then, I apparently subconsciously threw them in such a way to draw a picture of a heart with my arch nemesis inside it?? I'm actually going crazy this time...

I sit back and hold my head in my hands again, feeling a few stray tears begin to cascade down my cheeks. I let them fall, far too tired and confused to try and fight them back.

I let out a small yelp, accompanied by a jump, when I hear the creaking of the door opening. I quickly rush backstage and pull one of many wooden leavers, causing the brilliant red curtains to close on the stage, hiding my knife-drawing.

"T-Tsukasa-Sama?" I call out


"Uh... Yes... Come out...?" a voice hesitantly calls back.

I immediately know this isn't Tsukasa-Sama. Then again, if I don't come out, they'll more than likely come looking for me behind the curtains. I can't let anyone see what's happened behind them.

I make my way back onto the stage, still behind the curtains, and attempt to pull the closest knife out of the wall.

My attempts are futile. Not a single one of the knives I try move a single inch when I pull on them.

I hear the footsteps approaching.

I quickly rush out from behind the curtains, revealing myself to the mysterious intruder.

To my horror, the person, or rather, apparition, standing before me is none other than Hanako.

"Hanako..." I mumble, forcing my voice to sound firm and as menacing as possible.

"Chisana..." He replies, looking me in the eyes.

There's something about the way he looks at me. It's almost like relief... happiness... but also worry and confusion. He hesitantly begins to walk closer to me, holding his hands up in a surrender.

I scoff at the boy "You think I don't see that stupid knife? The one poking out of your blazer?" I ask sarcastically, eyeing off the knife.

He quickly looks down at his knife and back up at me, eyes flicking back and forth a few more times before he takes a few steps back. "Right... I'll take it out..." He says as he slowly pulls out his blade. The sharp metal gleaming. "And I'm just gonna put it down..." He continues, slowly bending down to place the knife at his feet before slowly raising, hands resuming their position above his head.

I look at him and down to the knife before jutting my head to the side. He seems to understand my silent command and scoops up the knife with his foot. He slowly raises his foot slightly before looking to the side of his room, seemingly checking if anyone one or thing is there. After nodding, he turns back to me and kicks his foot out to the side, causing the knife to fly to the other side of the room, far out of reach.

I nod my head once and cross my arms over my chest, shifting my weight onto one leg. "Well? What do you want?" I say, waving one hand in the air. "I'm a very busy apparition and I don't got all day" I sigh. I watch as a smile spreads onto his face like a child on Christmas morning.

"Y/N! You're ok!" He shouts as hen runs up to give me a hug.

I don't even hesitate when I give him a spinning roundhouse kick to the stomach, sending him flying backwards and off the edge of the stage.

I feel my blood boil.

"Okay?? Okay!? Am I ok??? Of course, I'm not okay!" I scream. "MY BESTFRIEND JUST DIED AND ALL I COULD DO WAS WATCH ON FROM AROUND THE CORNER! ON TOP OF THAT, I'M DEAD! I'VE BEEN MURDERED!" He looks shocked at my furious expression "AND NOW I'M TALKING TO THE ASSHOLE THAT KILLED ME!" I shout even louder now, tears streaming down my face yet again. I've thrown my pride out the window, spilling my feelings to none other than my own murderer.

Then again, something feels wrong, like I'm missing a vital piece of information.


The boy looks at me with a face oozing sympathy, vision blurred from the tears.

"STOP LOOKING AT ME LIKE THAT!" I scream, stomping my foot as hard as I can, shaking the entire stage.

I hear a creaking sound and my eyes immediately widen. That's the sound of the curtains opening. I'm frozen in fear and embarrassment as the curtains open behind me, revealing the knife-art behind the curtain.

The boy's eyes widen before softening as a small, sad smile makes its way onto his face.

"So you're not truly gone yet..."

Chisana-san of the drama roomWhere stories live. Discover now