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I attempt to chase after him but by the time I get into the building, he was nowhere to be seen. I sigh. I knew this would be a bad idea. I walk slowly down to the drama room, taking a detour towards the girls bathroom. I peek my head in and don't see anyone. I let out a breath I didn't even know I was holding and continue down to the drama room.

When I get there, I'm met with Kai "Hey! Chisana! Where were you?! I haven't seen you in 2 days!" He screams at me. "I was hanging out with No.7" I say, swatting Kai away. "Chisana? Are you ok? Was No.7 mean to you?" He asks concerned. I decide to catch Kai up on everything that has happened since I last saw him and he nods along, showing his attention and understanding. I finish and Kai stands there dumbfounded "Well... that's... a lot...." He says. I nod "I don't know what to do Kai! He's the first friend I've had in over 100 years!" I yell. Kai glares at me and I look back "Human friend, Kai, first human friend I've had" Kai nods.

"Maybe you could try doing something for him? What does he like?" Kai asks "Well, I know he really like homemade plain donuts!" I say excitedly. "Then let's go to the kitchen!" I nod and pick Kai up before running to the kitchen.

I get to the kitchen and place Kai down on the table before rummaging through the cabinets, looking for everything I'll need. Eventually I find everything and begin baking.

After 5 failed attempts I finally make the perfect batch of doughnuts. I grab a small bag and put them all in before tying the bag up with a red ribbon. I eat a few of the leftover doughnuts with Kai before writing a little note and putting it in my pocket.

However, little did I notice Kai slipping a small paper crane into the bag of doughnuts.

I make my way to the girls bathroom yet again, hoping Amane will be there now. I get there and see the door closed so I knock on the door before sliding my note under the door. I hide around the corner and hear him open the door, pick up the note, and read it aloud

Dear Amane

I'm really sorry if I upset you earlier with my questions

I decided to make you something to say sorry

Meet me on the roof again in 10!


I run away once I hear him finish reading.

I run to the rooftop and lay out a blanket, put the donuts in the middle and sit down on one side, staring at the door. Waiting.

15 minutes pass and I've lost hope. I pick up the doughnuts and grab a corner of the blanket, beginning to fold it back up when I hear the doorknob turn.

I fumble around, laying the blanket back down and putting the doughnuts in the middle again.

I see Amane walk through the door and look around "Amane! Over here!" I yell, grabbing his attention. He walks over slowly with a small smile on his face. He sits down and immediately starts apologizing "I'm so sorry Y/N, I didn't mean to scare you or anything. I guess I was just a little surprised by all the questions" he says embarrassed, looking down. "Amane, it's fine. It was my fault anyway. I was the one who-" I begin to open the bag but drop it when something shoots out.

Amane jumps in front of me, knife in hand. I let out a cry of surprise and fear. I open my eyes and see a black crane flying overhead. Amane glares at it "I don't know what apparition you are, but we were in the middle of an important discussion!" He growls and jumps into the air and slice the crane in 2.

He lands back on the ground and stares and the disintegrating remains of the crane. A low chuckle sounds from nowhere and a black smoke emits from where the crane few, forming into a hakujoudai. It reminds me of Amane's except its black.

Amane's eyes widen, he seems to recognize it. Soon, the wisp turns into a boy. He looks just like Amane except a black seal is spread across his cheek where Amane's white one lies. "Found you" He says in a sing-song voice. Amane's eyes widen and he lets out a gasp "Wow, that knife sure takes me back" The boy says, gesturing at Amane's knife "huh.... You're using it to protect that girl? The same one you used to kill me?" It says. At this, my eyes widen too. This must be the person Amane killed. "it's been a while, you haven't forgotten me, have you?" The boy asks "Hello. Amane" He says in a sinister voice.

The boy starts walking towards us, laughing. "Did I scare you? Thank goodness for good assistance, mine helped me get all the way up here." The boy says before grinning "What do you say, Amane?" The boy chuckles before grabbing Amane's face "This face... are you happy to see me?" He asks before giggling. "Amane move!" I yell, pushing him to the side a punching the boy. He looks at me "Nice..." The boy says before disappearing.

Amane falls to his knees and I run over to his side "Amane! Are you ok???" I panic. I hug him tightly and decide to bring him back to his stall.

After dropping him off there, I start to make my way back to the drama room. A whole new group of questions flooding my brain.

Little do I notice the same boy seems to be watching me from around the corner.

Chisana-san of the drama roomDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora