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I finally get to my drama room and quickly fly up to the stage lights.

So much happened...

I lean on the wall and close my eyes, a recap of the last month and a half running through my brain on loop in dot points

· I find out Amane's a murderer

· I find out Amane killed his younger twin brother named Tsukasa

· Tsukasa kidnaps me

· Tsukasa tortures me

· A month passes

· I think Amane got Tsukasa to kidnap me

· I try to escape

· Tsukasa finds me

· Tsukasa tortures me

· Amane and Haru come to save me

· I don't believe them

· Haru takes me out to the cherry blossom tree

· I shoo her way

· I cry at the tree

· Amane comes

· Amane tells me he was looking for me

· I don't believe him

· He... he kisses me

· I say I still don't believe him

· H-he kisses me again

· I believe him

· I run away


So much happened

I sit there for the rest of the day, not really thinking about anything in particular. I can't focus on one thing for more than 10 seconds.

Fly down and grab the emergency first aid kit. I open it and grab the disinfectant and rolls upon rolls of bandages along with a roll of medical tape. This... this was gonna hurt.

I start applying the disinfectant to my wounds, trying to ignore the pain.

Eventually I bandage most of my body, the only part left being the name of my kidnapper sprawled across my leg. I wipe away a quickly forming tear and sit down, beginning to disinfect it.

This was definitely the most painful one as it was by far the deepest.

I begin to rap the bandage roll around my leg when I hear the door slowly creak open.

I look up quickly to see none other than Amane walk through the door. I fight down a blush and look away "A-Amane, w-what do you want?" I mumble, doing my best to cover my poorly wrapped wounds.

I hear nothing, absolutely nothing. I look up and see Amane standing right in front of me. "UAH!" I yell as I fall backwards, startled by his silent movement. "You don't know how to bandage yourself, do you?" He asks. I look down at my already-unraveling bandages and back up to him "Maybe I don't, what does it matter?" I ask, slightly annoyed. It's not my fault I don't know how to bandage myself! It's easier to bandage someone else!

Amane lets out a small chuckle before sitting down beside me with his hand out. "Here, let me do it" he smiles. I cant help but blush a little. Wait, blush??? Stop blushing! I force down the blush and quickly hand Amane the bandage roll and he softly grabs my arm. He lets out a little laugh "Look at this! I don't even need to unwrap it!" He giggles as I watch the bandages fall off my arm as if it were running water.

I look down, embarrassed "It's easier to bandage someone else than it is to bandage yourself ok!" I snap softly. He nods and pulls the rest of the bandage off of my arm before grabbing the disinfectant "Oh, you don't need to do that, I already disinfected it" I smile softly at him. He looks back at me and frowns "It certainly doesn't look like it Y/N. It looks like you just poured it on" He says with a mixture of confusion and a slight bit of triumph. He knows he's right and I do too.

"Ok, ok, maybe I didn't do it properly" I whisper. He laughs and gets up, grabbing the first aid kit. He grabs out a handful of cotton balls and starts dabbing the disinfectant on one before grabbing my arm softly and pressing it against the cuts.

I jerk my arm away in pain and he looks at me with soft eyes "Y/N, I know it stings but we gotta make sure it doesn't get infected" He says calmly. I nod and let him take my arm again, continuing to disinfect it.

He disinfects it and grabs the bandages, carefully wrapping it around my arm. It was tight, but not too tight. It was perfect. I wonder why he's so good with bandages. Did he take care of a lot of people before he died? Or maybe he had to bandage himself up often? Maybe I'll ask him one day. Not today though.

He finishes and ties the two ends of the bandage into a small bow and tucks it underneath itself, creating a perfect bandage roll.

I stare at it in awe and he softly grabs my other arm, snapping me out of my thoughts. I watch as he repeats the process with my arm and then moving down to my leg.

He eventually finishes bandaging me and looks up at me, I look up at him and realise our lips are mere centimeters away from each other. I blush furiously and back away, forcing both the growing feeling in my stomach and the blush deep down once again.

Chisana-san of the drama roomWhere stories live. Discover now