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I wake up to the warm rays of the morning sun.

I turn to my mokke friend sitting beside me, I decided to name him Kai, it's a cute name for a cute creature. "Kai, wake up!" I shake the little mokke awake. He lets out a soft yawn and rubs his beady black eye with his ear, almost as if it was a hand. Kai looks at me expectantly "I had the weirdest dream last night" I tell him, leaning back onto the wall, my legs swinging over the side of the stage lights. "So basically, what happened was that this one girl came to me because she wanted me to-" I started excitedly "Write her a script to help her with her bullying problems so you helped her and got lots more visitors and then honorable No.7 came and made you make a bond with him and now you are meeting him later today around 5pm at the cherry blossom tree" Kai finishes with a blank stare.

I look at him with pure astonishment in my eyes. How did he know what happened in my dream??? "It wasn't a dream Chisana-San. You're bonded with honorable No.7. Look beside you, that's one of his hakujoudai" Kai says, pointing to my side.

I turn my head and am faced with a glowing white orb with a blue circle in the middle and wavy wisps coming from the top. I let out a startled yell and fall off the lights, landing on my back, hitting my head hard on the wooden stage floor. I sit up slowly and start rubbing the back of my head, trying to ease the pain. I see the strange orb float down to my side and attempt to push me back onto my feet, not really sure how to get a person off the ground and onto their feet without hands.

I stand up and lean against the wall and mumble to the orb "You didn't see anything, got it?" The orb makes a strange sound, almost like a giggle and floats up and down, signaling that it understands. Kai jumps to my side and I pick him up "Do you know anything about this orb Kai?" I ask, gesturing to the strange orb "Well I do know that it basically has a mind of its own and often reports back to No.7, telling him what it saw or heard" The mokke said, moving its ears to simulate a shrugging motion.

I curse under my breath. Is this going to be a reoccurring thing? I glance and the orb and it does a flip, is it trying to cheer me up?

I'm snapped out of my thoughts when I hear the door open. I groan, is it Hanako again? I look over and gasp in excitement when I see a student slowly creeping towards the stage, twiddling his fingers in fear. I quickly fly up to the stage lights and get ready to jump down. As soon as he finishes summoning me, I jump down and scare him, he lets out a small yelp and falls backwards. I laugh and pull him up on the stage. This is just what I needed to clear my mind!

The boy seems overly shy so I start the conversation "Hey! I'm Chisana-San of the drama room! What kinda script do you want? Don't tell me you came unprepared!" I say, looking at the boy curiously. "I-I'm having some troubles with a bully... H-his name is Eto Katsuo.... C-can you help me? Please?" He says, slowly looking up. I nod. He doesn't seem to care how it happens, he just wants it to stop. I can do that.

I summon some paper and a pencil and start writing a script, about halfway through I start writing Eto Katsuo's death. I feel something nudging my shoulder, I look to my side and see the orb nudging me. It doesn't seem happy. It gestures to what I just wrote and makes a noise. Is it telling me to not kill this guy? Why not! He deserves it anyways!

I shuffle away from the orb and glare at it before I continue writing. I see it fly off out the corner of my eye and smirk. My smirk is quickly replaced by a look of pain when I feel the orb smash into the side of my head. "Oww" I whine after sitting up and rubbing the back of my head for the second time today. I glare at the orb again and mutter curses under my breath. "U-Uhm... C-Chisana-San, w-what is that?" The boy asks. I forgot he was even there! "U-Uhm... that's my... new assistant! Yeah, that's my new assistant and they don't exactly seem to like the script I'm writing. I'm sorry but I'll need to change a few things" I grumble. The boy nods in understanding and I finish writing the script.

Chisana-san of the drama roomWhere stories live. Discover now