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Amane and Tsuchigomori drag me to the infirmary.

"Amane! I'm fine, if anyone needs medical attention, it's you" I grumble as he sits me down on a chair. Tsuchigomori walks over to one of the cabinets and pulls out a first aid kit. Tsuchigomori walks back over to me and Amane pulls up my shirt to reveal my wound.

Tsuchigomori looks at my wound in surprise before pulling out the band aids and beginning to wrap it around my wound, quickly moving to my arm and hand when he finishes with that, treating all the burns trailing up it. "No. 7, how did this happen?" He asks, not turning his attention from my arm. I look over at Amane and see him expertly bandaging himself up. "Well, Tsuchigomori-Sensei, I was teaching-" He stops mid-sentence and sees me glaring at him "I was just spending some time with Chisana here when the older Minamoto boy found us. Chisana fled to the roof on my command and was met with the younger Minamoto boy" I nod my head, pleased with his cover up.

Tsuchigomori lets out a small chuckle "Mhm, yes I understand" He says, looking back at Amane. Does he know what really happened?

Eventually, Tsuchigomori finishes bandaging me up, much to my dismay, and Amane drags me back to the bathroom, insisting on checking for anymore scratches, cuts, bruises or burns on my skin and spending hours stressing over my wellbeing. "Amane, I'm serious, I'm fine! Are you ok?? I'm so sorry about that! If I hadn't asked you to teach me to fly then this wouldn't have happened!" I say, looking down at myself in disappointment. "Y/N..." Amane says, hurt in his voice "Don't... Don't blame yourself! I knew there was a possibility of the Minamoto's seeing us! It's not your fault!" He continues, gently framing my face with his hands, making me look at him.

A sad smile made it's way on my face and one makes its way onto his as well. After a few minutes of looking at each other, he pulls me into a tight hug and we stay like that for who knows how long. I eventually pull myself from the hug and excuse myself from the hug and make my way back to the drama room.

I don't want to let anything like that happen again. It hurt me to see Amane in pain like that. I start looking the drama room, seeing if I can find anything I could use as a weapon. The best I can find is a pair of scissors, a plastic dagger, some paper and a pencil. Can't do anything with that...

I sigh, I'll just have to settle with hand-to-hand combat. It shouldn't be too hard as I did practice Taekwondo when I was alive so I have the basics.

I pull out and old, decaying mattress from backstage and start to use that as a punching bag. After about an hour of that, I go for a break in order to grab some water. I've still got my Taekwondo skills.

A few weeks pass. Amane and I have gotten to know each other better and often hang out together. We talk about normal everyday stuff like favorite foods, favorite colors and our interests and hobbies. It feels so good to finally have a friend again. A best friend.

One day., we are hanging out on the rooftop just chatting when a thought comes across my mind. The day me and Amane were attacked by the Minamoto boys, the small blonde one said something about Amane being a murderer... It could be a really touchy subject for Amane so I'm hesitant to ask about it but I really want to know...

Screw it. I'm just gonna ask him "Hey Amane?" I ask. He looks at me with a smile "Yeah?" he says. I loom down and start fiddling with the hem of my shirt. Amane seems to have noticed. "Hey, Y/N, is everything ok? You know that if something's wrong you can always tell me?" He says, putting his hand on my shoulder.

Do I really wanna ask him? It could ruin our friendship. I don't wanna lose that "Never mind" I say, looking away. Amane's face falls and he turns me towards him "Y/N, tell me." He says in a stern voice. I sigh "Remember when you saved me from the small Minamoto boy?" I ask. He looks at me confused "Yeah? What about it?" He asks "Well... He said something about you having killed someone when you were alive... Is that true?" I ask slowly. His eyes widen before closing again "Yes... I did kill someone. I regret it with my whole being." He mumbles. I stare at him in surprise "You did..? Who? Who did you kill? Why?" I ask.

He gets up to leave. I grab his arm "Amane, who did you kill? Why did you kill them?" I say with a slightly raised voice. He tugs his arm closer to him, causing me to fall forward. He grabs my and pins me onto the floor. Hands by my head "A-Amane... W-What's going on?... Y-you're starting to scare me..." I mumble. I see realization flash in his eyes and he gets of me. Looking at his hands in complete fear. He quickly turns and runs off after muttering a small 'sorry'.

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