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I wake up the next morning with a yawn and jump down, not even bothering to wake up Kai.

I run to the girls bathroom and open the door. I see Hanako playing some card games with some of the other mokke. He looks at me and smiles "Y/N!" He jumps down from the windowsill and gives me a hug. I push him away and he looks at me confused "Sorry about that... t-too quick" I say. He nods in understanding. I look around the bathroom "Did you throw a bunch of trash in here and take it out just to make it dusty?" I ask sarcastically. He looks at me and laughs awkwardly "Uhm... maybe?" He shrugs. I look at him in disbelief "Hey I wasn't sure if you liked me or not so I made it kinda messy so you had to stay here with me in order to clean it!" He says. I shake my head and sigh before grabbing my cleaning supplies from the janitors closet and begin to clean.

I finish cleaning in about 2 hours. The mokke have left so it's just been me and Hanako. I'm about to leave when a thought comes to mind "Hey Hanako-" I start "Just call me Amane" He says with a contagious smile that I can't help but copy "Right, Amane. Uhm... Do you mind teaching me how to...uhm..." I look down embarrassed, unable to finish my sentence but he seems to have gotten the point as he smiles and grabs my hand, pulling me outside. His enthusiasm makes me feel so happy.

We get outside and he turns to me smiling. "Well, what can you do?" He asks. I look at him regretfully "I can only kinda fly up a few feet and fly down... Basically all I can do is get up onto my stage lights and then back down again... heh..." He nods and smiles "That's ok, we all start somewhere!" He cheers. I smile and he starts explaining how to fly.

"Basically, all you need to do is think about flying and how you wanna fly and then you believe in yourself and jump!" He says, demonstrating as he talks. I nod and he tells me to give it a try. I think about flying up in the sky a flying around in the sky in no specific way. I believe in myself with all my might and jump.

I wobble for a second before realizing I'm flying "Amane! Look! I'm doing it!" I yell excitedly as I start to fly around. Amane cheers me on from the ground and I look around to see a tall boy with blonde hair walking towards the school. Maybe he's part of the school council. I pay him no mind until I see him glaring right at me.

The anger in his eyes takes me by surprise and I lose focus on my flying and start falling to the ground "Y/N!" I hear Amane yell. I close my eyes and wait for the painful impact but don't feel it. I open my eyes and see none other than Amane holding me bridal style. He caught me!

He puts me down and makes sure I'm ok. I assure him over and over again.

My attention is suddenly drawn to the boy with blonde hair I saw outside the school. He is glaring at us and walking towards us brandishing a yellow sword, it seems to be shrouded in lightning. "Uhm... Amane... Who's that... why can he see us?" I ask worriedly. Amane looks behind him and his eyes widen when he sees the boy with the sword now running towards us, about to bring the sword down on us. Amane pushes me to the side and is struck with the sword. It cuts through his shoulder, leaving a brown spot on his uniform where the blood has soaked through.

I sit there on the grass, frozen in fear as the boy speaks "I am Teru Minamoto and I am from the Minamoto clan. I have come to exorcise you both. Starting you, Hanako." The boy says in an icy tone. He kicks Hanako to the ground and stabs through his hand and he lets out a cry of pain

"AMANE" I scream, finally gain the strength and get up, running at the boy and hitting him as hard as I can. The boy looks at me in disgust and throws me to the wall. He pulls his sword out of Amane's hand and walks over to me. I look up at the boy in fear as he slashes across my stomach "Chisana-San of the drama room... I guess I could exorcise you first if you want it so much" He says as he stabs my leg.

With every stab, I not only feel I'm being stabbed but also as if I'm being struck with 1000 volts of lightning. I feel like I'll disappear if I'm hit one more time. I'm already starting to fade. "A-Amane... help me..." I say as I become weaker and weaker with every passing second. The blonde boy raises his sword and prepares to finish me...

I close my eyes and wait for my demise. This is the end.

Chisana-san of the drama roomWhere stories live. Discover now