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Amane just kinda stares at me for a while.

He stares at me like I've just told him I killed his pet hamster...

Absolutely shocked.

"Uhm... Amane..?" I say, leaning forward and waving a hand in front of his eyes, trying to break him from his trance like state. He shakes his head from side to side suddenly before looking at me.

"Ok, hold on. Let me just... shorten that entire thing... So basically..."

He takes a deep breath.

"A few weeks ago, you woke up in the broadcasting room with Tsukasa who told you that you were dead, but he saved you by turning you into a ghost. You're now starting to doubt Tsukasa's story for a few reasons: first, you don't think I'm the kind of person who would kill you. Second, Tsukasa seems suspicious. Third, you keep fainting and having dreamlike memories where you relive moments from when you were alive, but you seem to also be dead in these memories. On top of that, I'm always present in these memories and we seem to have a connection. One time, I gave you a necklace that Tsukasa reacted strangely to. You also say Tsukasa killed one of the Mokke and got really scared when he questioned you about it and you feel like I'm the good guy and Tsukasa is the bad guy.... Did I miss anything..?"

I stand there for a second before nodding "Uhm... yeah... pretty much..." I mumble.

A smile grows on his face. Now it's my turn to stare at him confused. Suddenly, he runs up to me and hugs my tightly. I can't help but burry my face into his chest, feeling safe, warm and happy in his arms. After a few seconds, he pulls away and I frown.

I feel cold now.

I want him to cuddle me again.

As I'm grumbling to myself in my head, he grabs my chin between his thumb and pointer finger, gently pulling it so I look him in the eyes. He smiles softly and slowly leans in, closing his eyes. I feel a warm, tingling sensation flow through my body when he gently presses his lips against mine.

I don't know how long the kiss lasted, but I wish it lasted longer. He pulls away and whispers softly in my ear "Lets just say that we definitely had a 'connection' of sorts"

As he pulls away, letting go of my chin, a huge blush spreads across my face.

"Uhm... what kind of 'connection' did we have..?" I ask softly.

He laughs. A kind, warm laugh. "Well, you were my girlfriend" He says, smiling.

My blush somehow grows as I stumble over, my response "G-girlfriend?? I-I was your g-girlfriend?? L-Like... we were d-dating??" I ask, watching as his smug smile grows and he nods.

"Y'know, maybe if I kiss you enough, you'll remember everything!" He says in a sly, teasing tone.

"NOOOOOO" I scream in flustered embarrassment as I run from the bathroom and back to the drama room.

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