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Authors Note

Heyyyy so I just wanted to say before I start this, This is a chapter where the first usage of Rori is used. Personally I have a chrome extension added to my computer called InteractiveFics Basically what it does is it changes the Rori in books to your actual name!


He ran and ran, pulling me behind him the whole way... It kinda felt like having a friend again... Wait! No! What are you thinking??? He's not your friend! He's just a stupid wonder-boy who forced you into a bond! You'll never be friends with him!!

I shake my head, mentally scolding myself the whole way there.

He suddenly stops in front of the beautiful tree. The pink cherry blossoms growing perfectly on the tree branches. Fireflies lighting up the tree and the lightly swaying grass perfectly. It created a calm and quite environment, making my whole composure soften and a small smile creep onto my face. I look up and see the night sky littered with stars that looked like little lanterns hung from the sky, a bright full moon perfectly centered between the constellations, having a slight blue hue to it, making the scene that more perfect.

As I'm being entranced by the scenery laid before my eyes, the stupid perv grabs both of my hands and flies up, I let out a small gasp, sure I've been a spirit for a long time but I'm still not 100% with the whole flying concept, hence I prefer to walk around and only fly when I need to. I subconsciously hold the pervs hands tighter as he floats me up to a top branch of the tree, sitting down next to me. It takes me a second to process my surroundings before realizing how close I am to the perv, I shuffle away slightly and look up to the sky. I do my best to act bored and uncaring as I begin to speak "So, perv. Why did you bring me here?" I question. I look to him and see him also staring at the sky as well, he seems at peace with himself and everything around him. "I just wanted to show you this place. I thought it was really pretty and I know you aren't warming up to me very much" He says, a small smile creeping onto his face.

His response made me feel kinda warm inside... He points at a star "That's Sirius A, it's the brightest star in the universe" He says. "You know astronomy?" I ask "It's one of my favorite things in the world" He says with a smile. I always had a fascination for astronomy before I died but my parents thought it was stupid so I never knew anything about it "Hey... Do you mind telling me more about some of the stars..?" I ask, looking down in embarrassment. He laughs "Sure!" He scoots closer to me and points at another star "Do you see that red one over there?" He asks, I nod my head "That's VY Canis Majoris. It's the biggest red giant known to man, it's even said to be 1800 times the size of the sun! Although, it is dying, that's what gives it it's red color. Because it's so far away, the light from it that we are seeing is way over 680 years old!" he says, a huge smile plastered across his face. "Wow..." I mumble.

Y'know what... maybe... maybe Hanako... isn't as bad as I thought...

We spend hours upon hours talking about stars and constellations, Hanako pointing them out whilst I let out small sounds of astonishment.

Eventually, Hanako runs out of constellations and stars to talk about and we sit in silence, admiring the stars and the cool night air.

"Y/N" I say. Hanako looks at me confused "My names Y/N" I say with a small smile. Hanako returns the smile "Mines Amane. It's nice to finally know who I'm talking to" I giggle and he quickly joins in.

"Well, I think it's about time for us to go back to our own boundaries for the night" Hanako says with a sad look on his face. I nod and watch as Hanako floats back down to the ground and I sit there, looking at him.

I just realized that I still can't fly properly...

Hanako looks up at me in confusion. He brings his hands up to his mouth "Hey Y/N, you ok up there?" He yells. "Uhm... Y-Yeah I'm fine! Don't worry about me!" I shout back, letting out and awkward giggle. His arms drop to his sides and he looks at me in confusion before his face turns to one of realization and then a teasing smirk "Can you not fly?" He says, laughing a little. "Hey! I can fly! I can fly really well thank you!" I shout at him, tightening my grip on the branch.

Hanako floats back up to me and grabs my hands, pulling me off the branch. I do my best to seem like a good flier as Hanako brings me higher and higher until we were about 2 times higher than the tree. At this point I'm starting to freak out a little. Sure, I like heights and love being up high, but only when I'm standing or sitting on something!

I subconsciously hug Hanako for some sort of support "H-Hanako this isn't funny! Put me down!" I say, trying to sound brave yet failing miserably. "Hm? Why are you scared Y/N? I thought you could fly?" He says in a teasing matter "Just put me down!" I shout, clinging even closer to him, burying my face in his chest out of fear. "Why don't I just.... Drop you?" He says, loosening his grip on me slightly "No! H-Hanako please!" I say, starting to shake a little in fear. "Gee Y/N, you sure do seem like you can't fly!" Hanako says with a mock thinking tone "I-I can fly! I swear! I-I'm just still not that good at it ok! N-now please put me down!" I yell, completely giving up.

He slowly floats back down to the ground and places me down. I slap him somewhat hard and cross my arms across my chest in a defensive way and look down at my feet. My face quickly growing a soft tint of red due to embarrassment.

Hanako laughs "Wow, was that the best you can do? That was probably the lightest slap I've ever gotten!" He teases. "S-shut up Hanako..." I mumble.

I want to be mad at him but I can't bring myself to be. He feels too special to me. It's been so long since I had a friend.

Eventually we both part ways and I go back to my boundary where Kai is waiting for me. I tell him all about what happened before leaning on the wall with my legs dangling over the side of the stage lights and quickly fall asleep. 

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