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As I look up, I see the person I least wanted to see right now...


Tsukasa is looking down at me with a glare sharp enough to cut through diamonds. I shrank backwards as he walked towards me with bloodthirsty eyes.

"Oh Y/N... What are you doing all the way our here?" He asks sadistically. "Tsu-Tsukasa?? H-how did you find me??" I stammer in complete fear. "Why, that knife you're holding of course!" He points at the knife in my hand, I look at it too. I only now realise that the handle does look a little strange. "I put a tracker in the handle! You really think I'd let you escape that easily?" He asks, laughing. My eyes widen and I am easily able to pry it open, revealing a small beeping cube. I pull out said small cube and roll it around in the palm of my hand. I look back up to Tsukasa with my now broken knife in hand.

I throw the broken knife to the side and get up, ready to fight. It's probably my only chance of survival at this point. Tsukasa laughs manically before charging at me. I gasp and swing my fist, closing my eyes tightly and praying for it to collide with some part of Tsukasa's body.

My attempts were feeble. I knew that as soon as I heard a light chuckle behind me. I open my eyes in fear and begin to turn around. Just as Tsukasa comes into view, I feel something firm collide with the middle of my back, causing me to fall forwards, yelping in pain.

I hit the wall and turn around and see Tsukasa standing right behind me, on hand behind his back and the other hand reaching towards my face, most of his hand in a fist but his pointer and middle finger pressed together.

As his to fingers softly touch my forehead, I begin to feel overly tired. I was wide awake a second ago, why am I tired now? Is he using sleep induction on me? Crap!

I do my best to keep fighting, even whilst I quickly fall asleep. Tsukasa easily dodges all of my weak attacks. In a matter of seconds, I fall over into Tsukasa's arm, the last thing I hear before passing out being his soft chuckling.











I wake again, still quite tired. I look around. I know this place... I'm back in the dungeon room.

This isn't good

This isn't good at all...

"Well, I see you're finally awake Y/N!" I hear a voice chuckle


"This is the second time we've been in a situation like this, isn't it?" He asks, stepping out from the shadows. I attempt to snap back at him but all I'm able to let out is a muffled growl. I'm gagged? You're kidding... This is just humiliating at this point.

"Oh, right! You're gagged! I forgot" Tsukasa giggles. I glare at him. He flies slightly above me and I look up at him, absolute disgust filling my gaze... his gaze however, I can't exactly figure out what it holds. Anger? Disappointment? Betrayal? Maybe all 3 combined, I can't be too sure.

I snapped out of my thoughts when I see him bring one hand from behind his back, something gleaming in the small light hanging above me.

Wait, above me?

But the light is stationed above the chair...

I look down to find myself firmly tied to the rickety old wooden chair. I struggle slightly before I feel a sharp pain slash across my right cheek, causing me to let out a muffled cry. I feel something slowly drip down and realise what Tsukasa is holding.

A kitchen knife

"Don't struggle Y/N! It'll only make your punishment hurt more!" He coo's in a menacing way. My eyes widen in fear at the sadistic smile plastered across his face. It sends a shiver down my spine.

Tsukasa raises the knife above his head once again and brings it down quickly, slashing across my shoulder. I let out another muffled cry. He laughs manically. "Are you having fun Y/N? I'm having fun!" He cheers as I look at him, tears forming in my eyes. He lets out a joyous laugh as he slowly moves down, leaving cuts all the way down my body. Eventually he stops at my leg and begins to slowly dig the knife into it. I Let out a muffled scream this time. I attempt to jerk my way away from him but to no avail, it's tied firmly to the leg of the chair.

Tears are now quickly streaming down my face, staining my cheeks. After what feels like an eternity and a half of slow, painful digging and scraping on my leg, I feel the knife me lifted from my skin. I let out a shaky breath from behind the gag. Zi lean my head back and close my eyes, allowing myself to calm down from the pain. I jump slightly when I feel the blunt side of the knife slowly scraping from the bottom of the wound to the top. I let out pleading whimpers of fear as the knife continues to painfully track up the wound, scraping off the excess blood. Tsukasa jumps up and cheers "Y/N look! Look what I wrote!" He cheers as if he's a 5-year-old who just wrote their first sentence. I hesitate and am quickly met by Tsukasa's cold glare and shakily look down.

My eyes widen in sadness and fear when I see 'TSUKASA' written sideways into my leg in big, bold letters.

After what feels like another eternity of torture, Tsukasa finally finishes. A huge smile making its way onto his face as he looks down and admires his handiwork as I continue to cry in pain.

His smile could have lit up the world if it wasn't so sadistic.

He takes of the gag and unties me before picking me up, carrying me to the corner and placing me on the mattress he seemed to have replaced. I curl up in a small ball of pain and cry softly to myself as he walks out of the dark room "Remember this day Y/N. This is what happens when you try to escape me, and I went easy on you this time" He growls, his whole face darkening significantly as he leaves, locking the door behind him.

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