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"Ok, first I should probably catch you up on everything you need to know" He says with a smile, causing me to groan in annoyance.

"Can't you just teach me to fight and then we can go and kill this asshole?" I complain, shooting a venomous glare at the boy as he floats lazily on his back in front of me.

"No." He says as if the answer was obvious whilst his face contorts in confusion. "What's the fun in taking revenge if you hardly know anything about yourself or the person your killing! It takes all the fun out of it! Don't you wanna have some fun with it?" He groans in annoyance. I look at him for a moment, thinking about what he said before finally nodding in agreement. "I guess you do have a point. It wouldn't be as fun if I don't really know anything." I contemplate before looking up at the boy now wearing a huge smile.

"Well then!" He claps his hands once in excitement. "Let's start by making you a new rumor!" He says before opening the door and calling out for someone.

Only a few seconds pass before a girl with beautiful green hair, porcelain green eyes and a face as smooth as a doll's.

She gives me a small nod of acknowledgment and I nod back. She turns to Tsukasa and seems to wince a bit after seeing his wide grin. "It's time Sakura..." He slowly says, tone threatening and dark, immediately making the whole room feel that much colder. I can almost see a black aura circling around him. I shake my head to rid the thoughts from my mind and watch as the beautiful girl nods silently before making her way over to the desk and sitting down.

She takes a drink from her warm beverage and delicately places the black headphones over her ears before pulling the microphone closer to her and turning it on, pressing one hand to the side of the headphones, blocking out any extra sound from disturbing her concentration.

Tsukasa clicks his fingers and an old radio materializes in his hand. He giggles lightly before flipping a switch, turning it on.

"I truly am sorry in advance Y/N. I'm afraid this may hurt a bit." The girl named Sakura says softly, turning her delicate gaze to me and nodding her head in a silent apology this time.

I feel a shiver of slight fear run down my spine and gulp.

"Who's heard of the 8th Wonder, Chisana-San of the Drama Room?"

I feel a pang of pain quickly shoot through my body and let out a small gasp.

"She used to be a student at this school, often performing in the school's performances"

"That was until she was murdered"

Another rush of pain wracks through my body and I scream.

Why does it hurt so much?

"Just before her last show, at 4:30, she was approached in the dressing room and ruthlessly stabbed to death"

As she utters these words, It suddenly feels as if a thousand freshly sharpened blades penetrate my stomach, lungs and heart.

"In her last breaths, she swore to grant the wishes of all those who approach her, not wanting to let anyone suffer her same fate"

My mind goes blank from the sheer pain wracking through my ghostly body.

"To summon her, all you have to do is draw your blood with a knife and place it in the middle of the stage before saying 'Chisana-San, Show yourself to me please' and wait"

"Once she appears, be sure to clearly state your wish and reasoning behind it and she will grant it with a script"

"However, if she does not deem you as worthy of your wish, she will impale you with all the knives she has collected from her countless victims"

I throw my head back in one last painful scream as Sakura finishes the rumor.

Chisana-san of the drama roomWhere stories live. Discover now