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I know this chapter is short. It's because I want the ways that the characters try to bring Y/N's rumor back to be separated so that each method they try has its own chapter. Please feel free to comment method ideas for them to try! 😊


The 4 of us stand there, staring at each other in worry and fear. No one knows how long we have been staring there, only that no one dares to speak, not knowing what to even say. That is until Yashiro gathers the strength to whisper, her voice hoarse due to the elongated silence.

"What are we going to do...?"

All eyes fall on the small cream-haired girl. Almost surprised at the sound of her voice as it softly sounds through the bathroom.

I watch as a determined look quickly floods over Kou's face and he throws his fist up in the air, causing everyone else in the room to jump due to his sudden movements.

"Me and Yashiro-senpai can respread Y/N's rumor!" He cheers, his idea causing Yashiro's eyes to sparkle in hope. I nod along, silently begging for Kou to go along with his plan.

"Yes! Let's do it!" Yashiro squeals in excitement.

Amane nods "Mission 'Get Y/N's rumor spread' is a go!" He cheers, jumping up and down.

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